Programs (tpctm0110m000)
Use this session to create and maintain program data.
Field Information
- Program
The code that identifies the program.
- Description
The description or name of the code.
- Manager
The code of the employee who is the program manager for the contract.
Note: When you specify a value in this field, LN checks if the specified employee’s data exists in the Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000) session and the employee is Active (based on the First Date of Employment and the Last Date of Employment). Else, a warning message is displayed. You can ignore the message. - Name
The description or name of the code.
- Sponsor
The employee code of the sponsor for the program
Note: When you specify a value in this field, LN checks if the specified employee’s data exists in the Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000) session and the employee is Active (based on the First Date of Employment and the Last Date of Employment). Else, a warning message is displayed. You can ignore the message. - Status
The status of the program.
Allowed values
- Draft
The program is in the initial stage and can be changed.
- Active
The program is active and is linked to a contract with an active project.
- Inactive
An inactive program has only projects that are not active.
Note: A program with the status set to Active, cannot be reset to Draft. The Program for a specific project can be changed only until the project status is Closed. - Text
If this check box is selected, a text is present.