To copy a project structure to Service

The project activity structure or element structure and the actual consumed material items linked to the project, are copied to the Service physical breakdown structure. The process enables identifying the project items that need service and maintenance. The actual (history) data of the consumed items linked to the project is considered for this Project- Service integration.
Note: The copying process is handled in Service in the Copy Project Breakdown Structure (tscfg2210m200) session.

Copying actual consumed material items

The actual consumed material items stored in Project cost history are copied to the physical breakdown structure for an installation group. If the Serialized check box is selected for an item, a serial number is generated for the item based on a predefined mask. If the generation of the serial number fails, an error is reported. It is possible to generate a dummy or final serial number for the material item by selecting the Generate Dummy Serial Numbers check box. You can later replace the dummy serial number with the final number. For elements and activities, the number generated is considered as the final serial number. You can also use the actual serial numbers of the corresponding material cost objects by selecting the Use Project Serial Numbers check box in the Copy Project Breakdown Structure (tscfg2210m200) session. The serial numbers are used to create serialized items in the Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000) session.

You can only copy:

  • Actual consumed material items stored in Project cost history.
  • Actual consumed material items for which Service item data is defined.

You cannot copy:

  • Consumables such as oil used for a project.
  • Actual consumed material items for which Service item data is not defined.

Copying the activity structure

The activity structure as displayed in the Activities (tppss2100m000) session is used as input for the physical breakdown structure. LN creates a serialized item for each activity. The parent activity is used as the top serialized item in the physical breakdown structure.

Copying the element structure

The element structure as displayed in the Element Budget Structure (tpptc1509m000) session is used as input for the physical breakdown structure. LN creates a serialized item for each element. The top element is used as the top serialized item in the physical breakdown structure.

If the project element/activity structure undergoes changes, and the copy process must be repeated. The existing physical breakdown structure in Service is not overwritten. The new structure is added to the existing records.