Viewing Assembly Order - Assembly Part Shortages
Viewing assembly part shortages by assembly order provides a good oversight of which assembly parts are used by an order, on a certain date. If you want to solve assembly part shortages by blocking or rescheduling orders, it is important to choose the right orders. This is mainly related to the priority of the orders. The priority is roughly taken into account by LN when it selects the orders that require the shortage parts, according to the criteria you did or did not specify. Refer to the Check Inventory (tiasc2240m000) session and the Generate Assembly Order Lists for Critical Parts (tiasc2245m000) session for further explanation. However, another important clue for blocking orders can be how many different shortage parts are used by an order. It can be better to block one order that uses several shortage parts than several orders that each use one of these parts. The view of this session provides you with an idea of these proportions.
In the header of this session, you must select the order and the date for which you want to see the shortages. Also in the header there is a Sold-to Business Partner field, that shows you if an order is sold already and to whom. The parts itself are listed in alphabetical order.