Checking Inventory

  • The Check Inventory (tiasc2240m000) session is crucial for the inventory check functionality in other sessions. Only data that is generated by this session can be further processed by the Generate Assembly Order Lists for Critical Parts (tiasc2245m000) session and displayed in the Assembly Part Shortage (tiasc2540m000) session, the Assembly Part Shortage - Assembly Orders (tiasc2545m000) session and the Assembly Order - Assembly Part Shortages (tiasc2546m000) session.
  • LN always limits the checks to critical assembly parts and to orders related to these parts. Refer to the Item - Production (tiipd0101m000) session for items that are critical. Double-click an item and click the Methods tab to view the Critical for Inventory field.

To check inventory, you must specify one or more assembly lines, and a date or period. In addition, you can limit the check to certain assembly parts. The session analyses which orders answer these criteria and performs the check for these orders and assembly parts. If shortages occur, LN will generate a list of assembly parts that are in short supply. This list is displayed in the Assembly Part Shortage (tiasc2540m000) session.

In addition to the report of shortage parts, you can generate lists of blocked orders that require these shortage parts. These lists are displayed in the Assembly Part Shortage - Assembly Orders (tiasc2545m000) session for each combination of day and assembly part. These lists contain all blocked orders for that combination of requirement date and assembly part, even if the total amount of required parts for these orders exceeds the shortage quantity. If you generate an order lists, LN deletes any existing order list for each combination of day and assembly part that falls in the specified range. So the new lists replace the existing lists. If, for a certain combination of assembly part and requirement date, no new list is generated, any existing list is still deleted.

Note that the order lists you generate in this session contain only blocked orders. If you want to include not-blocked orders, update existing lists, specify selection criteria, or generate a larger number of orders, you must use the Generate Assembly Order Lists for Critical Parts (tiasc2245m000) session.

Blocked orders are orders that are stopped from (further) processing. If the order was already started, it can only be processed until the next line station. An order can be blocked for several reasons, for example, shortage reasons. In the Assembly Order - Blocking Reasons (tiasc2103m000) session, you can block or unblock orders, or view their blocking reasons. The Help of this session provides you with further information about blocking.

  • The inventory can only be checked if, in Enterprise Planning, the item's order system is Planned. Refer to the Order System field in the Items (tcibd0501m000) session.
  • Which orders are checked depends, among other things, on the dates you selected. However, the assembly time of an order can fall partly outside the range of specified dates. In that case only assembly parts that are required on the dates in the selection are checked.