Line Sequence section features

The Line Sequence section comprises of these features:


This table lists the features of this section:

Number Description
1 The code of the assembly line.
2 The code of the line segment.
3 This is a time bar. When this section is displayed, the time bar is defaulted based on the current date and time, and the user settings.
4 This option allows the supervisor to set the time interval for the Gantt.
5 This option displays the menu related to this section. The menu options are displayed based on the User Settings for this section.
6 This option allows the supervisor to expand or collapse the segment that displays the data.
7 This is an indicator for the orders that are delayed or have material shortage.
8 The code of the line station linked to the selected segment.
9 The code of the assembly order.
10 The status of the line station order.
11 The Planned Start date and time of the Line station order.
12 The Planned End date and time of the Line station order.
13 The Planned Cycle Time.
14 The actual start time of the line station order.
15 The actual end time of the line station order.
16 The actual cycle time of the line station order.
17 Indicates if the sequence of the order is Fixed.
18 Indicates if the sequence of the line station order is Frozen.
19 Indicates if a request to start the order has been submitted or the permission is granted for the related segment.
20 Indicates if the line station order has been offset.