tipcf domains
- Initial
The generation of a product variant has started in the CPQ Configurator.
- Success
The product variant was generated by the CPQ Configurator and has been saved successfully.
- Partial Save
The product variant was generated by the CPQ Configurator, but only partially saved.
- Error
The CPQ Configurator has encountered an error during the generation of the product variant.
- LN
- Not present
No sales options were found for the product variant.
- To be processed
Sales options were found but not yet imported.
- Processed
Sales options are present and usable.
- Create
- The version is copied into a new version of the target.
- Overwrite
- The existing materials of the target bill of material are overwritten by the source revision. The materials that do not exist in the source bill of material are not removed.
- Add and Renumber
- The materials of the source bill of materials are added to the target bill of materials and renumbered.