Scrap Rejected End Item (tisfc0211m000)

Use this session to scrap the rejected end items from a production order.

Field Information


The site ID.

Note: Only visible if multisite functionality is active.

Production Order

production order




The item that is produced by the production order.

Maximum Quantity to Scrap

The maximum quantity that can be scrapped for the production order.

Quantity to Scrap

The quantity of the manufactured item that must be scrapped because it is faulty.

This field can only be filled manually if no operations are linked to a production order.

If backflushing is applied, reporting a quantity as scrapped results in the issue of a corresponding quantity of materials.

As soon as Warehousing finishes the outbound procedure for these materials, the value of this field is added to the Quantity Scrapped field and this field is set to zero.

Serial Number

The serial numbers from which the quantity of end item is scrapped.

Total Selected Quantity

The quantity of end item that was selected to be scrapped.

Effectivity Unit

effectivity unit

Print Document

If this check box is selected, the documents for the quantity that is scrapped are printed.