Material Costs by Cost Component (tirpt7520m000)

Use this session to view the cost for the items associated with a cost document.

Field Information


The site ID.

Note: Only visible if multisite functionality is active.

Cost Document

The work cell cost document number for which the material is costed.

Production Model Status

The status of the production model.

Allowed values

  • New
  • Approved
  • Expired
Start Date

The cost document start and end date and time.

Work Cell

The work cell for which the cost document is maintained.

Calculation Date

The date on which the costs are calculated.


The material used for production.

Cost Component

The code of the cost component linked to the item of the work cell cost document.

Estimated Cost

The estimated material cost of the product.

Registered Cost

The material costs of the product manufactured in the period the cost document has been active.

Expected Cost

The material costs expected by the end of the cost document period.

Actual Cost

The actual material costs registered from the start of the cost document.

Estimated Quantity

The estimated quantity of items required to complete the operation.

Registered Quantity

The part of the estimated quantity that has been reported completed.

Expected Quantity

The quantity of product expected to be manufactured.

Actual Quantity

The actual quantity of items required to complete the operation.

Estimated Hours

The estimated number of production hours required to complete the operation.

Registered Hours

Part of the estimated hours that have been used for manufacture.

Expected Hours

The estimated hours still free for use.

Actual Hours

The actual number of production hours required to complete the operation.