Features (tigrt0101m000)
Use this session to define features for classification.
If you want to link aspects to a feature, start then the Aspects by Feature (tigrt0104m000) session from the appropriate menu. LN automatically generates a default aspect with the same name as the feature.
Field Information
- Feature
- Description
The description or name of the code.
- Search Key
Enter a search key, which can be used to retrieve a feature.
- Used
If this check box is selected, properly classified items are present for the family to which the selected feature is related. Therefore, you are not allowed to change the interaction structure. You can only modify the interaction structure when you clear the check box.
- Aspect No.
The number of aspects that have been defined for the feature.
You can define between one and eight aspects for each feature. The first aspect is created by default.
- Aspect Length
The length of the feature's classification code. The length consists of the total length of all feature aspects.