Print Sales Price Calculation (ticpr2450m000)

Use this session to calculate and print sales prices for standard items. The calculation can be performed only when the standard cost is calculated.

The sales price is based on the cost plus method. The basis is a cost calculation according to a specified price-calculation code. On top of the calculation code you must enter a sales price-calculation code. This is the code under which specific sales price surcharges are stored. As a result, the standard costs are added to the sales prices surcharges.

  • Simulated retail prices and simulated sales prices for standard items are stored. These prices can be used to establish a customer sales price or a retail price.
  • You cannot calculate the sales prices for customized items or standard to order items.
  • You can actualize the sales price in the Items - Sales (tdisa0501m000) details session. In this session simulated retail and simulated sales prices for standard items are stored. These prices can we used to establish a customer sales price or a retail price.
  • You can calculate the sales prices for budgeted items by means of the Calculate Item Sales Prices by Project (tipcs2241m000) session.

Field Information



Standard Cost Calculation Code

The price-calculation code to calculate either the standard cost or a simulated standard cost. The type of the calculation code must be Standard Cost.

Sales Price Calculation Code

The sales price-calculation code under which you recorded the specific sales-price surcharges. The type of the sales-price calculation code must be Sales Price.

Sales Price Type

The kind of sales price for which you want to print sales price calculation data.

Sales Price Rounding Method

The calculated sales price can be automatically rounded off to a certain amount. The rounding code to be selected must be predefined in the Rounding Codes (tcmcs0153s000) session.