Simulated Purchase Prices (ticpr1170m000)

Use this session to define simulated purchase prices for purchased items per site.

Field Information

Cost Calculation Code

price calculation code




The site for which the purchase price is simulated.

Item Costing Currency

The currency of the simulated purchase price.

Simulated Purchase Price

purchase price

The simulated purchase price and currency are recorded twice.

Simulated Purchase Price(Multi Currency)

The purchase price in multiple currencies.

The simulated purchase price and currency are recorded twice. The amount in this field is related to the price of the supplier.


purchase price unit

Cost Component

The cost component that must be of the type Material Costs.


The cost component specified in this field does not become pat of the standard cost detail structure if it is part of the cost component scheme of the selected item.

  • If calculations are performed with a calculation code not used for actualization (simulations only), the simulated purchase price is mapped to the cost component defined in the records for this session.
  • If you use the simulated purchase price functionality

Average Purchase Price

The average purchase price which is based on cumulative purchases or on the current inventory, as specified in the Method of Calculating Average Purchase Price field of the Purchase Order Parameters (tdpur0100m400) session.

Latest Purchase Price

The purchase price that is displayed on the most recent invoice received for the selected purchased item.