Financial Transactions (tiasc7510m000)

Use this session to display the financial transactions created in Assembly Control.

Field Information

Transaction Origin

This field whether the transaction was initiated by the assembly order or the assembly line.

Transaction Date

The date when the transaction was recorded.


The assembly order or clustered line station order that caused the financial transaction.


The end item of the order which created the transaction.

Line Station From

The line station from where the WIP transfer is performed.


The position number on the warehouse order. This number is used when assembly parts are issued from the main warehouse to the job shop warehouse, and also when the parts are backflushed.

Enterprise Unit

The enterprise unit of the assembly line or calculation office that created the financial transaction.

For example, in a WIP transfer issue between a supplying assembly line and a main assembly line, the Enterprise Unit From is the enterprise unit of the supplying assembly line.

Entity Type From

An entity type is a group of entities with common attributes.

The following are the types that can form financial transactions in Assembly Control :

  • Warehouse
  • Department
Assembly Line / Segment

The assembly line on which the order is carried out.

Entity From

The name of the entity, for example, the warehouse name, that initiates the transfer.

For example, for a WIP transfer between two shop-floor warehouses, the shop-floor warehouse from which the order is transferred.

Cost Component From

The cost component of the transfer from the entity.


The currency of the enterprise unit initiating the transaction.

If you use an independent currency system, this field is empty.

Amount From

The value of the financial transaction.

Line Station

The line station that created the financial transaction.

Amount To

The local currency of the enterprise unit that created the transaction. If you use an independent currency system, this field is empty.


The value of the financial transaction.

Financial Transaction Type

The type of financial transaction.