View (Dis)Aggregated Forecast (tiapl5631m100)

Use this session to view aggregated or dis-aggregated forecasts. You can aggregate the forecast data to the forecast plan of the higher levels of the family structure.
Note: This session can be accessed from the Forecast Input (tiapl5131m000) session.

Field Information


The scenario ID.

Forecast Item

The code of the forecast item.

Base Model

The code of the base model.


The code of the channel used for the forecast item.


The version ID of the forecast.

Period Start Date

The date and time when the forecast starts.

Period Finish Date

The date and time when the forecast ends.


The year of the forecast.


The week number of the period start date.

Forecast Demand

The estimates demand in future.

Forecast Extra Demand

The estimated additional demand in future.

Customer Orders

The count of customer orders.

Non Consumed Forecast

The count of nonconsumed demand forecasts.

Cumulative Available
