Print Assembly Order Cost vs Product Variant Standard Cost (tiapl3440m200)
Use this session to compare the costs of one or range of assembly orders with their product variant standard cost.
You can compare the costs of assembly orders with the status Closed. It is also possible to use assembly orders with the status Completed for the comparison, but information related to financial transitions that are logged during order closing like production result cannot be reported.
Field Information
- Assembly Order
Specify the range of assembly orders for which assembly order costs are compared to the product variant standard costs.
- Use Standard Cost from Calculation Date
Specify standard cost calculation date you want to use for the comparison.
Default value
Current date
- Details by Cost Component
If this check box is selected, the costs are printed per cost component level.
If this check box is cleared, the total of all cost components is printed.
- Print Orders with Status
Specify the order status the orders must have to be printed.
Allowed values
- Created
The initial status of the assembly order. Changes to the production order data are possible. Materials have not been issued, can be added, and have their quantities adjusted.
- Production Completed
The order is reported as completed. When Warehousing finished the inbound procedure for the end items, the assembly receives the status completed.
- Sequenced
The assembly order has been transferred to the assembly line and is ready for manufacture.
- In Progress
Assembly order is being manufactured.
- Completed
The order is reported completed and all the end items were delivered to inventory.
- Closed
The financial results of the production order are calculated. Before an assembly order is closed, all materials were issued and hours accounted for. After an order is closed, materials can no longer be issued nor hours accounted.
- Canceled