Releasing production orders
Releasing production orders
When you release a production order, the production order gets the order status Released. This means that the production can start: materials can be issued and spent hours can be accounted.
When you release a production order, LN performs the following actions:
- Warehousing orders are created in Warehousing. Through these warehousing orders, the issue of materials and receipt into inventory of end products are handled.
- Allocations of materials are moved to the shop-floor warehouse.
- Inspection orders are created in Quality.
- If the Moment Freezing Estimates field has the value During Releasing Order, the estimated order costs are frozen, and the estimated end-item unit costs are calculated.
How to release production orders
You can release production orders by means of the Release Production Orders (tisfc0204m000) session.
Note: If the Printing Production Order Documents Mandatory check box in the Production Order Parameters (tisfc0100s000) session is selected, the order status of a
production order must be Printed before you can release it.