
A full set of address-related details, which include the postal address, access to telephone, fax, telex numbers, and email, Internet address, identification for taxation purposes, and routing information.


An item quantity that is assigned to a specific order but that is not yet released from the warehouse to production.

as-built structure

The actually built structure of a product including the serial numbers.

assembly assignment

The set of resources assigned to an assembly line for a particular period of the day. The resources are divided over the line stations to create a balanced line.

Assignments are defined for an assembly line. For each assignment, you specify the cycle time and its activity ranges, which are the period and time ranges for which the assignment is effective. The process characteristics that you define for an assignment include:

  • Labor FTE
  • Number of Machines
  • Work team
  • Operations

These process characteristics are linked to other assignments that are, in turn, linked to the assembly assignment. When an assignment is in effect, the assignments that are linked to it are also in effect.

assignment types

Two types of assignments exist, both of which exist at the same time. The average assignment is used for more general purposes, whereas the nonaverage assignment has a very specific period and time range.

  • Average assignments

    Use an average cycle time that is based on the cycle times of the nonaverage assignments for the day. The average assignment is used in planning. Planning is based on cycle time, calendar, and availability type.
  • Nonaverage assignments

    Use time-based cycle times that are based on the operations performed on the line. The cycle time can vary according to the time range that is provided for the assignment.

    Nonaverage assignments are used to define order content. For generated (nonfrozen) orders, the order content is based on the first active, nonaverage assignment. For frozen orders, the order content is based on the nonaverage assignment that is in effect at the time that the order is frozen.

    Nonaverage assignments are also used to offset the lead time during sequencing. When the order is sequenced, a lead time is calculated for every order. This lead time is based on the cycle times, and the applicable cycle time is retrieved from the nonaverage assignment.

Note: An average cycle time is not a mathematical average, but is a value that you consider to be a suitable average for the nonaverage cycle times over the course of a full day.

assembly item

An item with default supply source Assembly. The production of assembly items is controlled by an assembly order. Assembly orders are executed on an assembly line.

Note: An assembly item can have item type Generic, Manufactured, Configuration Module, or Product.

assembly kit

An order-dependent set of items that must be supplied together to the shop-floor warehouse.

assembly line

A set of consecutive line stations in which FAS (Final Assembly Schedule) items are manufactured. The items are manufactured by passing the items from line station to line station and by carrying out operations at each line station. An assembly line is subdivided into a number of line segments separated by buffers. An assembly line can be either a main line or a supplying line.

assembly order

An order to assemble a product on one or more assembly lines.

assembly part

A component used on an assembly line.

An assembly part forms the link between Configurator and Enterprise Planning. Configurator generates the requirements for assembly parts and Enterprise Planning plans the production or purchase of the item.


The automatic issue of materials from inventory, or accounting for the hours spent manufacturing an item, based on theoretical usage and the quantity of the item reported as complete.

bar code

A series of alternating bars and spaces printed on documents or products, representing encoded information that can be read by electronic scanners.

bill of material (BOM)

A list of all parts, raw materials, and subassemblies that go into a manufactured item and show the quantity of each of the parts required to make the item. The BOM shows the single-level product structure of a manufactured item.

BOM sequence number

The BOM sequence number allows you to define more than one component item for each position. These interchangeable components can have different dates when they are valid.

LN also uses sequence numbers when you replace items in BOMs.


Say, you make bicycles and use frames that you buy from supplier A until August. However, after August you will use identical frames that you buy from supplier B. Do not use a new BOM position number for the second frame. Instead, use a new sequence number.


A quantity of time used for planning and backflushing.


An assembly line workstation where no operations are carried out, and where orders are waiting to enter the following work station.

You can use buffers to change the sequence of products from one line segment to another. Buffers in LN are random access type.

buffer (FIFO)

The orders that came in first go out first. As a result this buffer is just a 'pipeline' which can have a certain capacity. No planned sequence change can take place so no line rules can be linked to FIFO buffers.

buffer (random access)

Buffers with random access places. During the sequence process, LN checks these access places to achieve a proper sequence on the next line segment. Line rules can be linked to random access buffers. Line rules sequence the assembly orders which enter the random access buffer.

bus component

A bus components is an entry in an LDAP directory service. The bus component contains information about the server/client that uses Infor Integration, indicating the name, address, message queues, ports and so on. In addition, each component has one or more connection points that link the Integration Adapter for that component to the actual transport layer.

business-function model

A part of a business model that is built from a selection of business functions that are initially created in the repository.

calculation office

A work center of the type Costing that is used to determine the enterprise unit for a project, or production order and also has an administrative function.

Note: When linked to production orders, the Use as Calculation Office check box in the Work Centers (tirou0101m000) session must be selected for the work center.


To call up goods from a business partner based on a purchase schedule. Call-off involves sending a message (EDI) to notify a business partner that the scheduled items must be delivered. The message contains the item quantity and the date and time they must be delivered.

clustered line station order

Represents all the material requirements for a line station for a day. A CLSO consists of user-defined buckets. The material requirements are combined for each bucket.

In Assembly Control, transactions can be carried out per line station and per period, instead of per order. LN can combine the same materials for a specific period into one material line. After doing so, the cumulated quantity is stored in the CLSO. This accumulation reduces the number of transactions that are necessary, because the transactions are performed for a specific bucket.



To translate all the source code of a program from high-level language into object code prior to execution of the program. Object code is an executable machine code or a variation of machine code.

configurable item

An item that has features and options and must be configured before any activities can be performed on it. If the configurable item is generic, a new item is created after configuration. If the item is manufactured or purchased, the configuration is identified by item code and option list ID.

  • Manufactured or Product items with the default supply source set to Assembly and Generic items are always configurable.
  • Purchased or Product items with a purchase schedule in use can be configurable.
  • Configurable Purchased or Product items can be used within Assembly Control only.

configured item

A configurable item that is configured, which means options and features are chosen for the item.

A configured item can have components that are also configured, for example, a bike with a bike light. If a configured item is an end item, it is configured with its configurable components and stored as a product variant.


In LN, a means to check, restrict, or compel to avoid or perform some action.

In the Product Configuration module, a constraint is every possible decision rule or calculation conceivable that can be carried out during the definition of the product variants. You can use constraints in the product model for product features, generic BOMs, routings, price lists, and item data. You can use a constraint editor to define constraints.

Among other things, constraints allow you to indicate under which conditions certain combinations of options are acceptable, mandatory, or not acceptable for product features. You can also indicate which bill of material components and/or operations must be included or excluded, what the purchase or sales price structure for a product variant is, and so on.

In the Product Classification module, a constraint consists of one or more constraint lines that define the conditions under which certain return values or calculation results are included in the classification code during item classification.


A set of decision rules (constraints) that control the translation of the customer requirements into the product structure of the variant. These constraints indicate which components and operations will be used in a specific product variant.

cost component

A cost component is a user-defined category for the classification of costs.

Cost components have the following functions:

  • To break down an item's standard cost, sales price, or valuation price.
  • To create a comparison between the estimated production order costs and the actual production order costs.
  • To calculate production variances.
  • To view the distribution of your costs over the various cost components in the Cost Accounting module.

Cost components can be of the following cost types:

  • Operation Costs
  • Material Costs
  • Surcharge
  • General Costs
  • Not Applicable
Note: If you use Assembly Control (ASC), you cannot use cost components of the General Costs type.

cycle time

The (average) time between completion of two separate units of production. For example, the cycle time of motors assembled at a rate of 120 per hour is 30 seconds.

default supply source

The source that supplies an item by default. You can use purchase orders or schedules, production orders or schedules, assembly orders, or warehousing orders to supply an item.

The default supply source determines what type of order is used to supply the item, but in general, you can override the default and specify an alternate source.

demand peg

A relationship between a planned order, or an actual supply order, and an item requirement that represents a definite commitment.

You can only use the demand pegged supply for the pegged requirement, unless either of these conditions applies:

  • The peg is deleted.
  • Parameters allow issuing unallocated inventory or inventory of a different specification for a demand-pegged outbound order.
  • Pegged supply

    The pegged supply can be a purchase order, a planned purchase order, a production order, a planned production order, a warehousing order with transaction type transfer, or a planned distribution order.
  • Pegged requirement

    The pegged requirement can be, among other things, a sales order line or a required component for a production order.

Related term: soft peg

effective date

The date on which the validity of the materials or the operations is checked.

The application considers a material or operation to be valid, if this date is within the effective date and the expiry date range.

The effective dates are used in the explosion process to create demands for the correct items.

effectivity unit

A reference number, for example a sales order line or a project deliverable line, that is used to model deviations for a unit effective item.

efficiency variances

A part of the production result that is created by differences between the estimated and actual material quantities and hours.

The efficiency variance shows how efficiently materials and resources are used.

end item

An item that is ready to be delivered to a warehouse. An end item is produced at the end of a dangle routing (co-products and by-products) or a main routing.

engineering item

An item in the process of development.

You can define multiple revisions of an engineering item. Typically, the most recent revisions are still in a design or test phase, another revision may have been taken into production, and older revisions are obsolete.

A normal item can only become revision-controlled when it is copied from the Engineering Data Management module.


engineering module

A virtual item that is used to model a fixed part of a product engineering structure in Assembly Planning in Manufacturing. The product engineering structure is used to generate assembly orders for the Assembly Control module of Manufacturing.

The engineering module is the top of a tree structure (BOM) of engineering items. If Assembly Planning generates the assembly orders, the Configuration Module item type is created in the Item Base Data tables in LN, if not yet present. The engineering module is part of the order content and the as-built structure.

engineering module

In Assembly Planning, a system, or, in other words, a logical unit of assembly parts, that is typically not manufactured as a separate physical unit.

For example, the electrical system of a car is the logical unit of all parts required for the electrical system. It is, however, not manufactured as a separate physical unit, but integrated in the dashboard, doors, and so on.

An engineering module has no routings, assembly lines, options, and so on, and is for design and planning purposes only. In the bill of materials (BOM), the engineering module is the top layer of the nonconfigurable section of the BOM.

enterprise unit

A financially independent part of your organization that includes entities such as departments, work centers, warehouses, and projects. The enterprise unit's entities must all belong to the same logistic company, but a logistic company can contain multiple enterprise units. An enterprise unit is linked to a single financial company.

When you carry out logistic transactions between enterprise units, the resulting financial transactions are posted to the financial companies to which each enterprise unit is linked.

exchangeable configuration

A configuration is exchangeable with another configuration at a particular point on the assembly line, if at that point the two configurations have the same specifications.

FAS item

A generic item with the FAS (Final Assembly Scheduling) order system.

FAS items are produced in a mixed model flow process on an assembly line.


Characteristics which can be combined and subsequently be linked to configurable items to compose a product variant. An example of a feature is color.


A characteristic of a configuration class. It can be any kind of property that can hold a certain value. An example of a feature is color.

Class features can be:

  • Mandatory
  • Persistent (can be saved)
  • Private (cannot be used outside the configuration model)
  • Active (is in use)
  • Explicit (derived from)
Note: You can link as many features as you like to a class. You can link only one option to a feature.


To bring down a multilevel structure to one level. As a result, all elements of the hierarchical structure are the direct children of the parent item. This process can be used to enhance the calculation of assembly part requirements.


Once in while, a product structure is flattened, and the result is stored separately. This way, LN does not need to browse the structure each time the assembly part requirements are calculated, because all parts that are required can be read at once.

floor stock

A stock of inexpensive material present in the job shop that can be used in production without recording each issue of material individually. Floor stock is not backflushed and is not part of the estimated costs.


To deactivate line stations, line segments, line station orders, and the like. If something is frozen, no changes are allowed. For example, a line station order can be frozen because the production process is too far advanced to be able to process the change.

generic BOM

Set of components, per generic item, from which product variants can be composed. The generic bill of material forms the basis for the variant bill of material which arises during the configuration/generation of a product variant. For each BOM line (component) a constraint rule may apply.

generic item

An item that exists in multiple product variants. Before any manufacturing activities are performed on a generic item, the item must be configured to determine the desired product variant.


Generic item: electric drill


  • 3 power sources (batteries, 12 V or 220 V)
  • 2 colors (blue, gray).

A total of 6 product variants can be produced with these options.

handling unit

A uniquely identifiable physical unit that consists of packaging and contents. A handling unit can contain items. A handling unit has a structure of packaging materials used to pack items, or is a part of such a structure.

A handling unit includes the following attributes:

  • Identification code
  • Packaging item (optional)
  • Quantity of packaging items (optional)

If you link an item to a handling unit, the item is packed by means of the handling unit. The packaging item refers to the type of container or other packing material of which the handling unit consists. For example, by defining a packaging item such as Wooden Crate for a handling unit, you specify that the handling unit is a wooden crate.

inbound-order line

A warehousing-order line used for the inbound of goods. An inbound-order line gives detailed information about planned receipts and actual receipts.

For example:

  • Item data
  • Ordered quantity
  • Warehouse and location of receipt


To measure, examine, test, or gauge one or more characteristics of a product or service. After doing this, you can compare the results with the specified requirements to determine whether conformity is achieved for each characteristic.

Inspection is often performed on delivered goods upon arrival.

inventory unit

The unit of measure in which the inventory of an item is recorded, such as piece, kilogram, box of 12, or meter.

The inventory unit is also used as the base unit in measure conversions, especially for conversions that concern the order unit and the price unit on a purchase order or a sales order. These conversions always use the inventory unit as the base unit. An inventory unit therefore applies to all item types, also to item types that cannot be kept in stock.

inventory valuation method

A method to calculate the inventory value.

The inventory is valued at either its standard cost or its actual receipt price. Because inventory value can change with time, the age of inventory needs to be noted. In LN, the following inventory valuation methods are available:

Valuation Method


The raw materials, subassemblies, finished products, and tools that can be purchased, stored, manufactured, and sold.

An item can also represent a set of items handled as one kit, or which exist in multiple product variants.

You can also define nonphysical items, which are not retained in inventory but can be used to post costs or to invoice services to customers. The examples of nonphysical items:

  • Cost items (for example, electricity)
  • Service items
  • Subcontracting services
  • List items (menus/options)

item type

A classification of items used to identify if the item is, for example, a generic item, a service item, or an equipment item. Depending on the item's type, certain functions will only apply to that item.

just-in-time item

An item of which the procurement is controlled using purchase schedules instead of ordinary purchase orders. The purchase schedule corresponds to a regular series of deliveries during a certain time period.

JIT item


A demand-pull system of just-in-time production that regulates the supply of items to shop floor warehouses.

Kanban uses standard containers or lot sizes (also called bins) to deliver items to shop floor warehouses. In the shop floor warehouse, two or more bins are available with the same items. Items are only taken from one bin. Typically, if a bin is empty, a new bin is ordered and the items are taken from the (second) full bin. To each bin a label is attached. The line stations use the label to order a full bin with the required items.

Sometimes, not every bin is provided with a label. For example, a label is attached to every second bin. When both bins are empty, the user scans the label of the second empty bin to generate a supply order for both empty bins.

lead time

The time between the production start date and the delivery date. The lead time can include order preparation time, transportation time, and inspection time.

line mix

A set of production orders that are produced successively on an assembly line. Before production starts, the line mix is sequenced to determine the order of production.

line segment

A set of consecutive assembly-line work centers on an assembly line between two buffers. The first buffer is the beginning of the segment, the next buffer is the first part of the next segment.

line sequencing

The determination of the sequence order used to start the production of items in a segment of a production line. The sequence order may be changed from one line segment to the next.

line station

A work center that is part of an assembly line. A line station is used in the production of FAS (final assembly schedule) items. A line station can have multiple positions, which enables more than one item to be present in one line station.

line station order

Production order for an assembly line station.

line-station variant

Holds identical operations and materials that are used at a specific line station for multiple assembly orders. In this manner, the identical operations and materials are stored only once, rather than for each assembly order. When line station variants are used, less data storage is required, and the performance is enhanced.


You produce cars with various features, including two types of wheels: broad and narrow. In the wheel line station, in which the wheels are fitted, all cars with broad wheels are one line station variant, and cars with narrow wheels are another line station variant, regardless of any other specifications, because the other specifications are not relevant to the wheel line station.



A number of items produced and stored together that are identified by a (lot) code. Lots identify goods.

lot item

An item that is subject to lot control.

main assembly line

An assembly line that produces end products. An assembly line is a set of consecutive line stations where FAS (Final Assembly Schedule) items (and sometimes other item types) are manufactured.

main item

The end result of a production order.

A main item is either be changed to an end item (for delivery to a warehouse), or delivered directly to the customer in bulk.


A template that specifies the structure of an identification code. A mask is used to generate the identifiers for objects such as serial numbers, handling units, or shifts.

mask segment

A part of a mask that represents specific data. For example, a mask segment can be a date, a LN field, or a sequence number.

mass BOM change

A mechanism to simultaneously make multiple changes to the engineering bills of material of several items.

You can use mass bill of material changes to concurrently carry out several of the following actions:

  • Modify EBOM lines
  • Copy E-item revisions to production items
  • Copy EBOMs to productions BOMs


master company

In a multicompany situation, a master company is used to synchronize data in all companies. Data that is entered or generated in the master company, for example, the line structure, can be replicated to the other companies. The master company can either be one of the companies of the assembly lines, or a separate company.


The raw materials, components, and subassemblies used to manufacture an item. A cost item, for example, electricity, can also be treated as a material.


From a logistical point of view, multicompany relates to the flow of goods or information between multiple locations, which are implemented in different logistic companies. Typically, these locations are situated in various regions or countries.

From a financial point of view, multicompany relates to the financial flow between financial entities, represented by departments and warehouses, which are implemented in different financial companies. Typically, these warehouses and departments are located in various countries or belong to different business units.

multilevel bill of material

A BOM that lists the subcomponents of the components, and any eventual subcomponents.

In the multilevel BOM, the final product is at level zero.


To plan orders to account for the cumulative lead-time of the production process.


One of a series of steps in a routing that are carried out successively to produce an item.

The following data is collected during a routing operation:

  • The task. For example, sawing.
  • The machine used to carry out the task (optional). For example, sawing machine.
  • The place where the task is carried out (work center). For example, woodwork.
  • The number of employees required to carry out the task.

This data is used to compute order lead times, to plan production orders and to calculate standard cost.

option combination

A specific combination of product options, for example, color or style, that are related to an assembly order.

Each option combination is either a single option, or a combination of other option combinations.

order controlled/Batch

A demand-pull system that regulates the supply of items to shop floor warehouses.

In this supply system, items that are required at a particular line station of the assembly line are called off at an earlier line station, called the trigger-from station. The number of items that is called off depends on what is needed on the assembly line in a specified time fence, called the maximum time interval.

In general, the items that are supplied to the shop floor warehouse by batch, are fast movers and are processed in high volumes. There is no direct link between these items and the assembly orders they are used for. In addition, one warehouse order set can be used to supply the goods needed by several assembly orders.

order system

The order parameter that controls the way by which recommended purchase and production orders are generated.


  • FAS (final assembly scheduling).
  • SIC (statistical inventory control).
  • Planned (schedule-based and order-based planning).
  • Manual (manual reordering).

order type

A group of orders that are processed according to the same procedure (series of order steps = sessions). In addition, these orders share a number of other characteristics (return order y/n, collect order y/n, subcontracting order y/n, and so on).

parallel assembly operations

An assembly line network in which you can perform same operations on different assembly lines simultaneously or model a network in which a supply line feeds multiple supply lines which again converge at a later stage into a single line.

person hours

The unit of work equal to one person working for one hour. The terms man-hours and person-hours are used interchangeably.

physical breakdown

A serialized item's composition and structure, defined by the parent-child relationships of its constituent items. The physical breakdown can be displayed in a multilevel structure or a single-level structure.

physical location

The room, building, or construction site where an operation is carried out.

planned offline date

The date when an assembly item is planned to roll off the assembly line.

Initially, the planned offline date equals the requested offline date, but the planned offline date can be changed later for planning reasons.

price variances

The price variance of a production order is the part of the production result created by differences between the estimated and actual price of an item or hour.

The price variance indicates the effect of changing rates and prices on the production result.

process-triggered workflow

Workflow in which actions are triggered by an activity, or batch or activities, in another line station.

production BOM

A general, multilevel list of all parts, materials that go into a manufactured product and show the quantity of each of the parts required to make the item.

Note: To use production bills of material, the Sites, Standard Cost by Enterprise Unit and Job Shop by Site parameters must have either the In Preparation or Active status in the Concept Activation (tcemm4600m000) session.


production bill of material

production order

An order to produce a specified quantity of an item on a specified delivery date.

product model

Used in the definition of the product variant in making a sales order or quotations by translating the customer requirements into a product variant

product structure

The sequence of steps by which components are put together to form subassemblies, until the finished product is produced.

The product structure is defined by a multilevel bill of materials, sometimes in combination with routing data.

product variant

A unique configuration of a configurable item. The variant results from the configuration process and includes information such as feature options, components, and operations.


Configurable item: electric drill


  • 3 power sources (batteries, 12 V or 220 V)
  • 2 colors (blue, gray).

A total of 6 product variants can be produced with these options.

product variant structure

The structure of the product variant, which consists of one configurable end item that is related to several configurable sub-items and/or engineering modules.

Configurable sub-items can also have their own configurable sub-items and/or engineering modules. The configurable items represent the product and the subassemblies of the product. The engineering modules are used for assembly items and represent logical units that may not constitute independent products, such as an electrical system. The product variant structure is generated by LN and, dependent on the options, holds a part of the bill of material.

project item

An item that is produced or purchased for a particular sales order. The item's project provides a link with the sales order.

A project item can be recognized by its item code. If a code has been entered in the project segment, the item is a project item.

A project item can be customized to the specifications of a customer, but it can also be a standard-to-order item.

purchase schedule

A timetable of planned supply of materials. Purchase schedules support long-term purchasing with frequent deliveries and are usually backed by a purchase contract. All requirements for the same item, buy-from business partner, ship-from business partner, purchase office, and warehouse are stored in one schedule.

reference date

A user definable date that is used to check the validity of change orders and configuration entities such as:

  • User roles
  • Features
  • Configuration resources

In the case of effectivity control the reference date is checked against the effective date and expiry date. If the reference date is greater than or equal to the effective date the configuration entity is valid. If the reference date is greater than or equal to the expiry date the configuration entity is not valid anymore.

reference type

A product variant may relate to a sales quotation, sales order, budget or project, or it may concern a standard variant.

requested offline date

The date when an assembly item must roll off the assembly line in order to meet the delivery date on the sales order line.


A version or revised version of an engineering item (E-item) or a revision-controlled item, that is, an item linked to an E-item. Several revisions of an E-item can exist.


E-item: Mountain bike E-MB01

Revision Description Status
A1 Draft drawing of bike Not released
A2 Drawing of bike Not released
A3 Parent E-item of bike MB01 Released
A4 Obsolete bike Canceled


The revision-controlled items are items in continuous development. To identify the item's version, add a revision number to the item code.

If a revision-controlled item is selected, the current version is used. The obsolete versions are no longer manufactured and prototypes are not sold yet.

rework order

A production order to fix or upgrade an already produced or purchased item. The item that must be reworked is both input and output of the production order.

roll-off line

The assembly line where a product is completed.


The sequence of operations required to manufacture an item.

For each operation, the reference operation, machine, and work center are specified, as well as information about setup time and cycle time.

sales order

An agreement that is used to sell items or services to a business partner according to certain terms and conditions. A sales order consists of a header and one or more order lines.

The general order data such as business partner data, payment terms, and delivery terms are stored in the header. The data about the actual items to be supplied, such as price agreements and delivery dates, is entered on the order lines.

sales order lines

A sales order contains items that are delivered to a customer, according to certain terms and conditions. The lines of a sale order are used to record the items ordered, as well as the associated price agreements and delivery dates.


Unusable material or rejects of intermediate products, for example, because of faulty components, or products lost in cutting or sawing operations. The gross material requirements and/or an operation's input quantity must be increased to account for anticipated scrap.

In the BOM, you can define scrap as a percentage of the net material requirements, which is the scrap factor, and as a fixed quantity, which is the scrap quantity. A scrap quantity is mostly used to define the amount of material that is lost every time when you start producing, for example, to test the equipment.

For an operation, you can only define the scrap as a fixed quantity.

segment schedule

A schedule that indicates when assembly parts are required. Based on the offline date of the assembly order, and the segment for which the assembly parts are required, the segment schedule indicates when the parts must be delivered to the line. Segment schedules are used for a rough calculation of assembly part requirements, when high volumes are processed, and the performance of the calculation is critical.

sequence shipping schedule

A shipping schedule with precise information about the production or deliveries of the requirements. This schedule can include the production or delivery sequence, and the order, the place, and the time of unloading after shipment.

serialized item

A physical occurrence of a standard item that is given a unique lifetime serial number. This enables tracking of the individual item throughout its lifetime, for example, through the design, production, testing, installation, and maintenance phases. A serialized item can consist of other serialized components.

Examples of serialized items are cars (Vehicle Identification Number), airplanes (tail numbers), PCs, and other electronic equipment (serial numbers).

serial number

The unique identification of a single physical item. LN uses a mask to generate the serial number. The serial number can consist of multiple data segments that represent, for example, a date, model and color information, sequence number, and so on.

Serial numbers can be generated for items and for tools.

shop floor warehouse

A warehouse that stores intermediate inventory in order to supply work centers. A shop floor warehouse is linked to an individual work cell, an assembly line, or one or more work centers. A shop floor warehouse can be supplied with goods using replenishment orders, or by pull-based material supply.

The pull-based material supply methods are:

  • Order Controlled/Batch (only applicable in Assembly Control).
  • Order Controlled/SILS (only applicable in Assembly Control).
  • Order Controlled/Single (only applicable in Job Shop Control).
  • Kanban.
  • Time-Phased Order Point.

The items stored in the shop-floor warehouse are not part of the work in process (WIP). When items leave the shop floor warehouse for use in production, their value is added to the WIP.


A collection of item-related data, for example, the business partner to whom the item is allocated or ownership details.

LN uses the specification to match supply and demand.

A specification can belong to one or more of the following:

  • An anticipated supply of a quantity of an item, such as a sales order or production order
  • A particular quantity of an item stored in a handling unit
  • A requirement for a particular quantity of an item, for example a sales order

standard cost

The sum of the following item costs as calculated by the standard cost calculation code:

  • Material costs
  • Operational costs
  • Surcharges

Prices that are calculated against other price simulation codes are simulated prices. The standard cost is used for simulation purposes and in transactions when no actual price is available.

Standard cost is also an inventory valuation method for accounting purposes.

standard item

A purchased item, material, subassembly, or finished product that is normally available.

All items that are not built according to customer specification for a specific project are defined as standard items. Opposite term is customized item.


An intermediary product in a production process that is not stored or sold as an end product, but that is passed on to the next operation.

For subcontracting purposes, a manufacturer can send a subassembly to a subcontractor to carry out work on the subassembly. This subassembly has its own item code defined in the Item Base Data.

After work is finished, the subcontractor sends the subassembly back to the manufacturer. Also this reworked subassembly has its own item code defined in the Item Base Data.


A means to further classify items.

A sub-item can either be:

  • A component item used in a bill of material.
  • A material used in a formula.

supplying assembly line

An assembly line which produces subassemblies that are used in another assembly line. It may additionally produce items that are not used on any assembly line. An assembly line is a set of consecutive line stations where FAS (Final Assembly Schedule) items (and sometimes other item types) are manufactured.

supply in line sequence

The supply of assembly parts or assembly kits to a shop floor warehouse, so that they are delivered to the line station in the same sequence as the assembly orders.

time fence

The date until which an item's supply plan and planned orders are frozen.

The time fence is expressed as a number of working days or working hours from the date you carry out the simulation.

As a rule, Enterprise Planning does not regenerate the supply plan or the planned orders within the time fence. However, you can overrule this behavior when you run a master-plan simulation or order simulation.

The time fence is meant to prevent:

  • Disturbance of orders that have already started (at the shop-floor level).
  • Generation of planned orders with start dates in the past (that is, orders that are late).

Usually, the lead time of an item's production process is a reasonable value for the time fence.

time fence

A reference date against which processes or statuses are evaluated.


The assembly order time fence on an assembly line defines the end date of the period for which assembly orders must be created. If this time fence is 100 days, assembly orders must be created for product variants whose planned offline date is between now and 100 days. Similarly, a time fence can define when line station orders must be frozen, updated, and so on.

translation table

A table to translate the actual data into the code required to form the serial number. For example, to translate the production date into the date code.

unit effective item

An item for which an effectivity unit can be defined on the sales order line or the sales quotation line. The effectivity unit is used to model deviations for the unit effective item, and to peg purchase orders and production orders to a specific sales order line for the unit effective item.

unit effectivity

A means to control the validity of variations by effectivity units.

Unit effectivity enables you to model changes for the following entities:

  • Engineering bill of material
  • Production bill of material
  • Routing
  • Routing operations
  • Supplier selection
  • Sourcing strategies

upgrade price

A price that is defined for a requirement in Unit Effectivity (UEF). If the requirement is used in an effectivity unit's configuration, the upgrade price is added to the effectivity unit's sales price.

warehouse transfer

A warehousing order to move an item between warehouses.

A warehouse transfer consists of a warehousing order of inventory transaction type Transfer.

warehousing order

An order for handling goods in the warehouse.

A warehouse order can be of the following inventory-transaction types:

  • Receipt
  • Issue
  • Transfer
  • WIP Transfer

Each order has an origin and contains all the information required for warehouse handling. Depending on the item (lot or non-lot) and warehouse (with or without locations), lots and/or locations can be assigned. The order follows a predefined warehousing procedure.

Note: In Manufacturing a warehousing order is often called a warehouse order.

warehouse order

WIP transfer

The transfer of the value of the work in process from one work center to the next, in accordance with a physical transfer of a subassembly to the work center where the next operation must be performed.


A special form of user assistance that automates a task by setting the parameter values within a business model and which directs the software to meet the specific requirements of an organization.

work center

A specific production area consisting of one or more people and/or machines with identical capabilities, that can be considered as one unit for purposes of the capacity requirement planning and detailed scheduling.


The usable output from a operation expressed as a percentage of its input.

Example 1: An operation in the production process for light bulbs has a yield of 98%. So, out of every 100 light bulbs produced, 98 are good on average. The remaining light bulbs are faulty, and will therefore be rejected.

Example 2: Steel wires are twisted together to produce a steel cable. Due to the twisting, the cable is 10% shorter than the wires from which it is produced. So, the yield is set to 90%.