tfcat domains
- Accumulate
Add the new figures to the existing ones.
- Replace
Replace the existing figures with the new ones.
- Keep
Skip the new figure.
- Total Costs
Distribution of the actual costs according to the budgeted total costs by reference unit.
- Variable Costs
Distribution of the actual costs according to the budgeted variable costs by reference unit.
- Fixed Costs
Distribution of the actual costs according to the budgeted fixed total costs by reference unit.
- Equivalence Factor
Distribution of the actual costs according to the equivalence factor. You can enter the equivalence factor in the Reference Units per Dimension (tffbs0530m000) session.
- Budget Year
These relations are used for allocations within Single Dimension Budgets per Year.
- Budget Period
These relations are used for allocations within Single Dimension Budgets per Period.
- Actual
These relations are used for allocations within Actual Costs.
- Deviation of Rates
The process stops when the values calculated are less than the entered Deviation of Rates, compared with the values of the previous cycle:
Absolute difference = (New calculated cost rate/surcharge) - (Previous calculated cost rate/surcharge)
If the absolute difference is less than the deviation rates of the fixed, variable, and total costs, the process will terminate.
- Number of Cycles
After this number of cycles have been iterated the process stops.
- Performance
- Cost
- Equal
- Quantity
Indicates that the allocation relations are based on performance values. The quantity-based allocation method assumes that the source dimension must contain at least one relevant reference unit. The reference unit must also be quantity-based and progressive.
- Amount
Indicates that a fixed amount is reallocated, independent of the imported actual costs. As a result, both amounts laser or greater than 100% of the imported costs can be re-allocated.
- Percentage
Indicates the fraction of costs to be written down on the dimension. When reference units with activated percentage-based periodic allocation is used, a percentage by period indicates a portion of the allocated costs.
- Budget Figures
LN derives the amounts for calculating the allocation costs from the single dimension budget per year/period. For a budget year/period relation, the budget of the relation is used. For an actual relation, LN uses the actual budget as defined in the Finance Company Parameters (tfgld0503m000) session.
- Actual Figures
LN derives the amounts for calculating the allocation costs from the actual costs by reference unit. Budget allocation relations are only allowed to be valuated with budget figures. Actual allocation relations may be valuated either by budget figures or by actual figures.