Create Standard Audit File - Tax - Portugal (tftax2211m000)

Use this session to create a standard audit file for Portuguese tax reporting purposes.

Field Information

Selection Range
Export Only Sales Data
If this check box is selected, Infor LN includes only the general ledger related data in the standard audit xml file that is generated for Portugal localization.
Note: This check box must be selected only if the file is required to be generated on a monthly basis.
Export Only Referenced Items
If this check box is selected, Infor LN includes only the items with the Item Type set to Product specified in the transactions exported to the file that is generated for Portugal localization.

If this check box is cleared, Infor LN exports all the items from the Items (tcibd0501m000) session to the standard audit xml file.

SAF-T (PT) for IES
If this check box is selected, the SAF-T file is generated using the structure that is required by IES.
Log documents with the Deleted status to Deleted Documents
If this check box is selected, Infor LN populates the invoice documents data with the status set to Deleted in the Deleted Documents (lpprt0110m000) session. This data is used to explain the reason for exclusion of the documents from the SAF-T PT report.
Financial Company

The code of the financial company in which the standard audit file is created.

Fiscal Year

The fiscal year in which the standard audit file is generated.

Fiscal Period
The From and To fields define a range of: financial periods of the fiscal year in which the standard audit file is generated.

The code of the currency in which the data in the report is expressed. This must be either local currency or one of the reporting currencies of the financial company.

For Portugal and other EU countries this field will display EUR.

Header Comment

The additional optional information, such as the user who created the .xml file.

The taxonomy applicable for the financial company of the report.
The version of the taxonomy applicable for the financial company of the report.
Use Legal Ledger Account

If this check box is selected, LN processes only accounts for which the Legal Ledger Account field is entered in the Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000) session.

Taxonomy Reference
The reference data related to the taxonomy. You must specify, S, N, M, O.
Path for Output File
Server Path and File

The name of the .xml file to be created.

The predefined name consists of the following:

  • SAF-T-PT
  • Company number
  • Fiscal year
  • Date and time

You can change the file name as required.

  • By default, the .xml file is stored in your home directory.
  • Ensure a Server directory is used, enough disk space is available, and you have administrative rights to the directory.
  • Depending on your company size, the .xml file can easily grow into 100 MB or more.
Copy to Client

If this check box is selected, the .xml file is copied to another location, for example, your local hard disk.

Note: Regardless of the setting of this check box, the originally created file remains on the LN Server and will not be automatically deleted. If required, deleting .xml files from Server and Client must be done manually.
Local Path and File

The name of the .xml file to be copied to another location. The name matches the predefined file name in the Server Path and File field.

  • By default, the .xml file is copied to your local Temp folder as defined in your local Classpath settings. For more information about this folder, contact your system administrator.
  • You can specify a different folder, such as


  • This field is only available if Copy to Client is selected.