Correct Unbalanced Finalized Documents (tfgld6209m000)
Use this session to balance the rounding differences that result from the Round (Non-)Finalized Amounts and Open Entries (tfgld6208m000) session.
Field Information
- Transaction Type
The range of transaction types for which you run the process.
- Document
The range of document numbers for which you run the process.
- Tolerance Transaction Amount
The maximum amount, in the transaction currency, that you want to regard as a rounding difference.
LN does not balance documents for which the difference exceeds the tolerance amount.
- Tolerance Home Currency Amount
The maximum amount, in the home currency, that you want to regard as a rounding difference.
LN does not balance documents for which the difference exceeds the tolerance amount.
- Simulate
To run the process without updating the tables, select this check box.
- Process Report
To generate a report of the processed transactions, select this check box.
- Error Report
To generate a report of the transactions that LN can not balance, select this check box.