GL Codes (tfgld4575m000)

Use this session to define GL codes.

Every GL code refers to one ledger account. The ledger account must be marked as an integration account.

If mandatory or optional dimensions are linked to the ledger account, these are included in the GL code definition.

The Active check box indicates whether integration transactions can be mapped using the GL code. To block the GL code for use, you can clear the Active check box.

As soon as any integration transactions are mapped using the GL code, you cannot change the ledger account or the dimensions of the GL code, or delete the GL code.

Field Information


The financial company in which you define the GL code.

In a multicompany structure, the financial companies must share the GL codes (tfgld475) table.


The description or name of the code.

GL Code

The GL code.


The description or name of the code.


If this check box is selected, integration transactions can be mapped using the GL code.

To block the GL code for use, you can clear this check box.

Ledger Account

The ledger account to which the transactions are posted.

The ledger account must be marked as an integration account.

Ledger Account

The description or name of the code.

Dimension 1

The dimension to which the transactions are posted.


The description or name of the code.