VAT Book Details (tfgld1535m000)

This functionality is specific for Italy.

Use this session to view the VAT book transactions.

After you print a VAT book report, you can use this session to view the transactions that LN selected for the report.

Field Information

Financial Company

The financial company for which you generated the VAT book report.

Tax Year

The tax year for which you generated the VAT book report.

Tax period

The tax period for which you generated the VAT book report.

VAT Book

The VAT book of which you display the details.

VAT Book Report Status

The status of the VAT report.

The status can be Preliminary, Final, or Reprint. If the report status is other than Preliminary, you cannot change the report.

VAT Book Type

Indicates whether the VAT book contains VAT on Sales invoices or VAT on Purchase invoices.

Reporting Currency

The currency used for the report.

Transaction Type

The transaction type of the transaction.

Document Number

The document number of the transaction.

Note: The tax year is not part of the document number.
Transaction Entry Date

The transaction entry date.

Business Partner

The pay-to business partner or the pay-by business partner.

Business Partner Name

The pay-to business partner or the pay-by business partner.

BP Invoice Date

The date on the business partner's invoice.

Tax Base Amount in HC

The tax base amount in the home currency.


The status of the VAT book transaction.

This field can have the following values:

  • BLK

    The Tax Code field of the transaction is left blank.
  • DEF

    Deferred tax or suspended VAT applies to the transaction. The VAT Type of the tax code is On Payments.
  • DEL

    The transaction document was deleted. To preserve consecutive document numbering on the report, deleted documents must be included.
  • Not Applicable

    None of the previous values apply.
Tax Article

If a tax article applies to the tax code of the transaction, this field shows the reason code that represents the tax article.

Tax Article Description

A reference to the section of the law related to the tax rates that apply to the transaction

Transaction Category

The transaction category.

Transaction Currency

The transaction currency.

Tax Base Amount

The tax base value in the transaction currency.

Deductible VAT Amount

The VAT amount that you can reclaim from the government.

Non-deductible VAT Amount

The VAT amount that you cannot reclaim form the government.

Deferred Deductible VAT Amount

The deferred deductible VAT amount.

Deferred Non-deductible VAT Amount

The deferred non-deductible VAT amount.


The invoice number on the business partner's invoice.