Cash Flow Transactions (tfgld1523m000)

Use this session to view the transactions registered for one cash flow reason during one financial period.

Field Information


The financial company in which the transactions are registered.

Fiscal Year

The fiscal year for which the transactions are registered.


The fiscal period for which the transactions are registered.

Cash Flow Reason

The cash flow reason of the transactions.

Click Next Group and Previous Group to view the transactions registered for other cash flow reasons.

Cash Document Number

The transaction type of the cash flow transaction.

Cash Document Number

The series number of the cash flow transaction.

Cash Line Number

The line number of the cash flow transaction.

Original Company

If the transaction is a payment or a receipt, this field shows the originating company of the invoice or the payment.

Original Document

If the transaction is a payment or a receipt, this field shows the transaction type of the original invoice or payment.

Original Document Number

If the transaction is a payment or a receipt, this field shows the series number of the original invoice or payment.

Original Line

If the transaction is a payment or a receipt, this field shows the line number of the original invoice or payment.

Sequence Number

If the transaction is a payment or a receipt, this field shows the sequence number on the line on the original invoice or payment.

Document Type

The document type of the cash flow transaction.

Transaction Amount

The cash flow transaction amount in the transaction currency.


The transaction currency.

Debit / Credit

Indicates whether the transaction is a debit transaction or a credit transaction.

Transaction Amount in HC

The cash flow transaction amount in the home currency.

From the Tools menu, choose Rotate Currency to switch home currencies.