Daily Balances Transactions (tfgld1506m000)
Use this session to for analysis of the daily balances of ledger accounts for which you selected the Daily Balance check box in the Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000) session.
The session lists all finalized transactions of which the document date is within the selected date range that were posted to the selected ledger account.
The session shows:
- The effect of each transaction on the ledger account balance
- The opening balance of the ledger account on the first date of the date range.
- The closing balance of the ledger account on the last date of the date range.
- The total sums for the credit side and debit side for the given date range.
LN calculates all the displayed amounts based on the transaction document dates. For example, if the selected date range is 1 February to 29 February, a transaction with a document date in February that was posted to January is not included in the opening balance for 1 February.
To analyze the transactions of one single document date, enter the same date in the Document Date and the Document Date fields.
You can define filters for the displayed data. For example, if you filter on a specific dimension, LN lists only the transactions that have a dimension within the dimension range set and the daily totals and the closing balance are only calculated for the filtered transactions. However, the opening balance does not change, this includes all the transactions up till the first date of the date range.
In this way, you can analyze the transactions for a specific dimension for the selected ledger account, and to see how these transactions affect the balance.
Field Information
- Document
The transaction type part of the document number.
- Document
The series number of the document number.
- Line
The line number on the document.
- Document Date
The document date of the transaction.
- Transaction Reference
The transaction reference.
- Dimension 1
The transaction amount posted to the dimension.
- Debit Amount
The debit amount of the transaction.
- Credit Amount
The credit amount of the transaction.
- Closing Balance
The closing balance of the ledger account after posting the amounts on this line.