Recalculate Static Budget Data Based on Actual Values (tffbs1205m000)
Use this session to recalculate the budget amounts and quantities based on the actual amounts stored in the general ledger History tables.
This recalculation is based on the actual amounts and quantities from the general ledger history.
You must specify the following ranges:
- Period: The range of budget periods that you want to recalculate.
- Period in GLD: The range of fiscal periods from which the actual amounts are taken.
- Budget Period: The range of budget periods that are used as the calculation base.
Click Recalulate to start the calculation.
LN builds two sums:
- Sum A: For each dimension and ledger account combination, the sum of the actual amounts in the Period in GLD range.
- Sum B: For each budgeted dimension and ledger account combination, the sum of the budget amounts in the Budget Period range.
For each budgeted dimension and ledger account combination, LN calculates the new budget amounts as follows:
New budget amount = old budget amount * (sum A/sum B)
According to the distribution mode of the ledger account LN updates the budget with the new budget amounts for the budget year or for the budget periods.
Field Information
- Year
The year for which you want to recalculate the data of the selected budget.
- Budget
The budget for which you want to recalculate the amounts and quantities based on the actual figures.