Monthly Rates (tffam7150m000)

Use this session to create, edit, or view new monthly rates which allow you to define custom depreciation methods. You can only activate this session from the Depreciation Method (tffam7110s000) session. If the averaging convention field is Midmonth or None and the rate table type field is Monthly, the monthly rates button is activated. The Class Life field from the Depreciation Method (tffam7110s000) session is used to prefill the monthly rates table with zero (0) values for the corresponding number of months.

You can switch from a yearly rate to a monthly rate for a depreciation method as long as the method is not in use. Once the depreciation method is assigned to an asset book, the monthly rates can be viewed, not edited. The combined value of the monthly rate fields cannot be greater than 100%.

Field Information

Depreciation Code

depreciation code

Depreciation Code

The description or name of the code.


LN automatically fills the number of years corresponding to the Asset Life field in the Depreciation Method (tffam7110s000) session with zero (0) values. You cannot insert or delete years in the Monthly Rates (tffam7150m000) session.

Month 1

The month fields are automatically populated with a 0 value. You are able to input a new value as long as the depreciation method has not been assigned to an asset book. The combined total cannot be greater than 100%, unless the Depreciation Rates > 100% check box is selected in the FAM Parameters (tffam0100s000) session.

Month 2

The month fields are automatically populated with a 0 value. You are able to input a new value as long as the depreciation method has not been assigned to an asset book. The combined total cannot be greater than 100%, unless the Depreciation Rates > 100% check box is selected in the FAM Parameters (tffam0100s000) session.

Month 3

The month fields are automatically populated with a 0 value. You are able to input a new value as long as the depreciation method has not been assigned to an asset book. The combined total cannot be greater than 100%, unless the Depreciation Rates > 100% check box is selected in the FAM Parameters (tffam0100s000) session.

Month 4

The month fields are automatically populated with a 0 value. You are able to input a new value as long as the depreciation method has not been assigned to an asset book. The combined total cannot be greater than 100%, unless the Depreciation Rates > 100% check box is selected in the FAM Parameters (tffam0100s000) session.

Month 5

The month fields are automatically populated with a 0 value. You are able to input a new value as long as the depreciation method has not been assigned to an asset book. The combined total cannot be greater than 100%, unless the Depreciation Rates > 100% check box is selected in the FAM Parameters (tffam0100s000) session.

Month 6

The month fields are automatically populated with a 0 value. You are able to input a new value as long as the depreciation method has not been assigned to an asset book. The combined total cannot be greater than 100%, unless the Depreciation Rates > 100% check box is selected in the FAM Parameters (tffam0100s000) session.

Month 7

The month fields are automatically populated with a 0 value. You are able to input a new value as long as the depreciation method has not been assigned to an asset book. The combined total cannot be greater than 100%, unless the Depreciation Rates > 100% check box is selected in the FAM Parameters (tffam0100s000) session.

Month 8

The month fields are automatically populated with a 0 value. You are able to input a new value as long as the depreciation method has not been assigned to an asset book. The combined total cannot be greater than 100%, unless the Depreciation Rates > 100% check box is selected in the FAM Parameters (tffam0100s000) session.

Month 9

The month fields are automatically populated with a 0 value. You are able to input a new value as long as the depreciation method has not been assigned to an asset book. The combined total cannot be greater than 100%, unless the Depreciation Rates > 100% check box is selected in the FAM Parameters (tffam0100s000) session.

Month 10

The month fields are automatically populated with a 0 value. You are able to input a new value as long as the depreciation method has not been assigned to an asset book. The combined total cannot be greater than 100%, unless the Depreciation Rates > 100% check box is selected in the FAM Parameters (tffam0100s000) session.

Month 11

The month fields are automatically populated with a 0 value. You are able to input a new value as long as the depreciation method has not been assigned to an asset book. The combined total cannot be greater than 100%, unless the Depreciation Rates > 100% check box is selected in the FAM Parameters (tffam0100s000) session.

Month 12

The month fields are automatically populated with a 0 value. You are able to input a new value as long as the depreciation method has not been assigned to an asset book. The combined total cannot be greater than 100%, unless the Depreciation Rates > 100% check box is selected in the FAM Parameters (tffam0100s000) session.