Z4 Reporting Data (tfcmg3530m000)

Use this session to retrieve, maintain, and report data that is required for Z4 reporting.

This session displays the selected payment and receipt data that LN considers eligible for Z4 reporting. If no or obsolete data is displayed, from the appropriate menu, select Update Z4 Reporting Data to start the Update Z4 Reporting Data (tfcmg3230m000) session.

Unless Finally Reported is selected, you can change this data:

  • Required for Z4
  • Z4 Document Type
  • Z4 Netting/Contribution Code
  • Reason for Payment Group
  • Reason for Payment
  • Pay-to/by Business Partner
  • Pay-to/by Country

When you are satisfied with the reporting data, click Print to start the Print Z4 Summary (tfcmg3430m000) session.

  • If, for a specific payment received from a business partner, the default reason for payment is incorrect, this session allows you to change the reason for payment of the particular receipt.
  • Z4 reporting includes unallocated and advance payment and receipts. If multiple invoices of the same business partner are assigned to a single unallocated payment, the invoices will appear as separate lines in the Z4 reporting data. However, if an unallocated payment applies to multiple schedule lines of the same invoice, these lines will appear aggregated in the Z4 reporting data. As a result, they cannot be split up into lines with different reasons for payment. In this unlikely event, you must assign the invoices to the unallocated payment separately, or split the unallocated payment.
  • Z4 reporting data is based on finalized General Ledger transactions of category Cash.

Field Information

Required for Z4

If this check box is selected, this data must be included in a Z4 report.

Finally Reported

If this check box is selected, this data was included in a previous report.


Transaction Type

Document Number



The transaction line number.

Pay-to/by Business Partner

pay-to business partner/ pay-by business partner

Business Partner

The name of the business partner.

Invoice-from/to Business Partner

invoice-from business partner/ invoice-to business partner

Origin Pay-to/by

If the pay-to business partner was retrieved from open entries in Accounts Payable or Accounts Receivable , Open Entry. Otherwise, Master Data.

Document Date

document date

Invoice Document

The transaction type of the invoice document.

Invoice Document

The document number part of the invoice identification.


This field displays "1" for lines that were created automatically and "2" for lines created manually.

Year / Period

Financial period

Z4 Document Type

German: Belegarten-Schlüssel.

The inbound and outbound document types linked to the foreign transactions, are listed. The documents are segregated as follows:

  • Document Type 1, 3, and 5: Receipt documents
  • Document Type 2, 4, and 6: Payment documents

Allowed values

Receipt Z4 Document Type
  • Document type 1 includes incoming payments services, transfers, and goods traffic
  • Document type 3 includes incoming payments for capital transactions and investment income
  • Document type 5 includes incoming payments transit trade
Payment Z4 Document Type
  • Document type 2 includes outgoing payments services, transfers, goods traffic
  • Document type 4 includes outgoing payments for capital movements and capital gains
  • Document type 6 includes outgoing payments transit trade

This field can have the following values:

  • 1: incoming payment services, transfers, goods traffic
  • 2: outgoing payment services, transfers, goods traffic
  • 3: incoming payment capital transfer and capital income
  • 4: outgoing payment capital transfer and capital income
  • 5: incoming payment Transit
  • 6: outgoing payment Transit
Z4 Netting/Contribution Code

German: Verrechnung/Einbringung

This field can have the following values:

  • -
  • V
  • E
Reason for Payment Group

reason for payment group

Reason for Payment

reason for payment (German: Kennzahl)


The reason for payment description (German: Zahlungszweck )

Pay-to/by Country

The tax country of the pay-to/by business partner.

Invoice-from/to Country

The tax country of the invoice-from/to business partner.

Outgoing Payment Amount

The amount of the outbound payment.

Incoming Receipt Amount

The amount of the inbound receipt.