Print Z5 Report (tfcmg3455m000)

This functionality is specific for Germany.

Use this session to print a report of foreign payments, and to generate four CSV files to be uploaded to the Deutsche Bundesbank.

Reporting sections

For Affiliated business partner groups, LN generates CSV files for these reporting sections:

  • Reporting Section 81-86, for internal business partners that are parents in the business partner hierarchy.
  • Reporting Section 87-92, for internal business partners that are children in the business partner hierarchy.
  • Reporting Section 93-98, for internal business partners that are siblings in the business partner hierarchy.

For Non Affiliated business partner groups, LN generates a CSV file for Reporting Section 41-46.

The sections are grouped by country and currency.

Field Information

Selection Range
Selection By

The selection criteria for the report.


The fiscal year and period for which you print the report.

The report includes all claims and liabilities up to that period.

Document Date

The document date for which you print the report.

The report includes the documents with document dates up to and including the specified document date.

Convert Negative Totals to Positive Totals

When you generate CSV files to be uploaded to the Deutsche Bundesbank, you must select this check box.

Note: If you select this option and Print Document Details, printing a report will take additional time.
Report Options
Rounded to Thousands

If this check box is selected, the amounts in the report are rounded to thousands.

  • Differences may occur between the totals on a report for which this option was selected and the totals on a report that has no rounded amounts.
  • Amounts in generated CSV files are always rounded to thousands.
  • This check box is only available if Print Document Details is cleared.
Export to File
Export Summary

If this check box is selected, you can specify file locations for the CSV files to be uploaded to the Deutsche Bundesbank.

Affiliated Business Partners
Reporting Section 81-86

The reporting section for internal business partners that are parents in the business partner hierarchy.

In the Save As dialog window, browse to the file location and accept the defaulted file name ( z5report_export.1.csv), or specify a different name.

Reporting Section 87-92

The reporting section for internal business partners that are children in the business partner hierarchy.

In the Save As dialog window, browse to the file location and accept the defaulted file name ( z5report_export.2.csv), or specify a different name.

Reporting Section 93-98

The reporting section for internal business partners that are siblings in the business partner hierarchy.

In the Save As dialog window, browse to the file location and accept the defaulted file name ( z5report_export.3.csv), or specify a different name.

Non Affiliated Business Partners
Reporting Section 41-46

The reporting section for external business partners.

In the Save As dialog window, browse to the file location and accept the defaulted file name ( z5report_export.4.csv), or specify a different name.