Standing Order Payment Schedule (tfcmg1511m000)
Use this session to maintain the payment schedules for a standing order.
Field Information
- Business Partner
The invoice-from business partner code.
- Standing Order
The standing order number.
- Reference
The reference text.
Default value
The name of the business partner appears by default.
You can use this name as reference for the payment order.
- Currency
The currency used for the standing order.
- Transaction Amount
The amount of the selected standing order, expressed in the currency defined in the Rate field .
- Rate
The rate at which the standing order currency can be exchanged for the home currency.
- Total Amount in
The amount in home currency.
- Total Amount in
The total amount of the standing order expressed in the home currency.
- Sequence Number
The sequence number of the standing order payments.
- Planned Payment Date
In the payment advice, the planned payment date is used as the due date.
Enter the planned payment date for each payment line.
- Gross Amount
A part of the total order amount defined in the Standing Orders (tfcmg1510m000) session that must be paid on the planned payment date.
This partial amount is expressed in the order currency.
The total amount of all installments must correspond with the total order amount defined in the Standing Orders (tfcmg1510m000) session.
- Amount Paid in HC
The amount that is paid.
Use this session to calculate the overdue amount.
- Standing Order Status
The status of the standing order.