Collections by Invoice-to Business Partner (tfacr3607m000)

Use this session to view the invoices, actions, notes, and activities that are due 'As on Date' for the business partner.

You can use the following options to write off or process the bad debts.

  • Written off Invoices: Use this option to view the invoices for which bad debts are written off.
  • Submit for Write-Off Approval: Use this option to submit the invoices for approval.

Note: The invoice must submitted for approval and subsequently approved before written off, if the Approve Write-Off Bad Debts checkbox is selected in the ACR Parameters (tfacr0500m000) session and the amount to be written off is greater than the Authorization Limit Bad Debts (Local Currency) defined in the User Tolerances for Write-Offs (tfacr0118m000) session.

  • Write Off Bad Debts: Use this option to write off bad debts.
  • Reverse Write-Off: Use this option to reverse the invoice with Write-Off Bad Debts status set to Written Off for the finalized write-off documents.

Field Information

Credit Analyst

The credit analyst linked to the invoice-to business partner.

Invoice-to Business Partner

The code of the invoice-to business partner.

Financial Company

The code of financial company.

As on Date

The date on which a reminder advice is created

Parent Business Partner

The code of the parent business partner.

Last Letter Date

The date on which the last reminder letter was sent.


The employee/user id of the contact.

Primary Phone Number

The telephone number of the contact.

Do not call

Indicates if the invoice-to business partner must not be contacted.


The email address of the contact.


The number of invoices that are overdue.

Overdue Amount

The total amount of the invoices overdue.


The currency in which the overdue amount is expressed.


The number of reminder invoices.

Reminded Amount

The invoice amount for which reminders are sent.


The number of reminder invoices.


The invoice amount that is disputed.


The number of open invoices.

Total Balance Receivable

The amount of the open invoices.