Pay-by Business Partners By Factor (tfacr0116m000)

Use this session to link pay-by business partners to a factor.

Before you can use this session, you must define the factor as a pay-by business partner and in the Business Partner (tccom4100s000) session, you must select the Factor check box.

You can assign a pay-by business partner to more than one factor, and you can indicate one of the factors as the default factor for the business partner.

Field Information


The pay-by business partner who is the factor.

You can select the factor from the Pay-by Business Partners (tccom4514m000) session. In the Business Partner (tccom4100s000) session, the Factor check box must be selected for the business partner.

Pay-by BP

The pay-by business partners that represent your customers for whom you factor the invoices.

Factoring Commission Perc.

The default factoring commission expressed as a percentage of the invoice amount.


If this check box is selected, the customer's invoices are factored with recourse.

Factoring Limit

The maximum amount that can be factored with this factor for the business partner, in the local currency.

Balance Receivable

The total factored amount for the customer, in the local currency.

BP Number at Factor

The customer number that the factor uses for the business partner.

Default Factor

If this check box is selected, the factor is the business partner's default factor. A pay-by business partner can have only one default factor.