Purchase Invoice Authorizations (tfacp0150m000)

Use this session to authorize specific users to authorize price differences that are detected during purchase invoice matching and approval.

For each user, you can specify the maximum difference amounts or percentages for which they are authorized, or you can select the Full Authorization for Payment Differences check boxes. For details, refer to To use full authorization.

Field Information


The user who is authorized to approve the price differences and the additional costs.


Indicates if the defined data is applicable for a user profile or a template.

Allowed values

Financial Company

The finance company of the enterprise unit linked to the department.

Enterprise unit

The enterprise unit to which the department belongs.


The user's purchase office.

Full Authorization

If this check box is selected, you can accept any difference in the amount and by percentage when the invoice amount is lower than the amount to be matched.

If you select this check box, LN sets the Percentage field and the Transaction Amount field to blanks and you cannot enter values in these fields.

If this check box is cleared, you must enter both a percentage and an amount. LN only accepts a difference if both the amount and the percentage are within the tolerances.


The maximum positive price difference that you can authorize, expressed as a percentage.

If an invoice amount is lower than expected, LN compares the price difference to the percentage entered in this field to check whether or not the user has permission to process that invoice.

If the price difference exceeds this percentage, the user cannot approve the invoice before an authorized user has authorized the difference in the Authorize Purchase Invoices (tfacp1142m000) session.

Transaction Amount

The maximum positive price difference that you can authorize.

If the price difference for an invoice is positive, LN compares the price difference to the amount entered in this field to check whether the user has permission to process the invoice.

If the price difference exceeds this amount, the user cannot approve the invoice before an authorized user has authorized the difference in the Authorize Purchase Invoices (tfacp1142m000) session.

Full Authorization

If this check box is selected, you can accept any difference in the amount and by percentage when the invoice amount is higher than the amount to be matched.

If you select this check box, LN sets the Percentage field and the Transaction Amount fields to blanks and you cannot enter values in these fields.

If this check box is cleared, you must enter both a percentage and an amount. LN only accepts a difference if both the amount and the percentage are within the tolerances.


The maximum negative price difference that you can authorize, expressed as a percentage.

If the price difference for an invoice is negative, LN compares the price difference to the amount entered in this field to check whether the user has permission to process the invoice.

If the price difference exceeds this percentage, the user cannot approve the invoice before an authorized user has authorized the difference in the session Authorize Purchase Invoices (tfacp1142m000).

Transaction Amount

The maximum negative price difference that you can authorize.

If the price difference for an invoice is negative, LN compares the price difference to the amount entered in this field to check whether the user has permission to process the invoice.

If the price difference exceeds this amount, the user cannot approve the invoice before an authorized user has authorized the difference in the session Authorize Purchase Invoices (tfacp1142m000).

Full Authorization

If this check box is selected, you can accept any additional costs amount or percentage when the invoice amount is higher than the amount to be matched.


The maximum additional costs amount that you can authorize.