Purchase Invoice Payment Authorizations (tfacp0114m000)

Use this session to authorize users to approve purchase invoices for payment.

For each user, you can specify the maximum invoice amount for which they are authorized, or you can select the Full Authorization Payment Approval check box.

The amounts are expressed in the local currency of the company.

Field Information


The authorized user.


Indicates if the defined data is applicable for a user profile or a template.

Allowed values

Financial Company

The user is authorized to approve invoices registered in this financial company.

Full Authorization Payment Approval

If this check box is selected, the user is authorized to approve all invoices for payment, irrespective of the invoice amount.

If this check box is cleared, you can specify a maximum amount.

Maximum Amount for Payment

The maximum invoice amount for which the user is authorized to approve invoices for payment.

Maximum Amount for Payment

The local currency of the financial company or of the group company.