tdzzzz domains


The ordered quantity is not committed.

Order Line Entry

The ordered quantity is automatically committed during order (component) line entry.

Inventory commitments can also be manually created or in a batch.


The ordered quantity is committed by using the Generate Inventory Commitments (whinp2200m000) session.

Inventory commitments can also be manually created.


The ordered quantity must be manually committed.


The sales (shipment) cost order line amount is equal to the retrieved price for the additional cost item.

Amount per Unit

The retrieved price for the additional cost item is multiplied with the sum of the quantities of all shipment/order lines of a shipment/order, expressed in the inventory unit of the item on the shipment/order line. This calculated amount is the sales (shipment) cost order line amount.

For item dependent costs, the retrieved price for the additional cost item is multiplied with the quantitiy of a specific shipment line, expressed in the inventory unit of the item on the shipment line.


When searching the price book for the additional cost item, only price book lines with a percentage are taken into account. Based on the retrieved percentage for the additional cost item, an amount is calculated from the total net amount of all shipment/order lines of a shipment/order. This calculated amount is the sales (shipment) cost order line amount.

For item dependent costs, based on the retrieved percentage for the additional cost item, an amount is calculated from the net amount of a specific shipment line.

Carried Forward

The high FAB authorizations and high RAW authorizations are reduced by the reset quantity.


The high FAB authorizations and high RAW authorizations are equalized to the FAB authorization and RAW authorization values.

No Reference
Service Call
Single Source Business Partners

LN only searches for buy-from business partners that are fixed for an item (group), which means the item cannot be delivered by any other business partner.

Preferred Business Partners

LN only searches for buy-from business partners that are preferred for an item (group), which means the item can be delivered by several business partners.

Purchase Contracts

LN only searches for buy-from business partners in purchase contracts.

Item Business Partners

LN only searches for buy-from business partners in the item-business partners files.

Central Contracts

LN only searches for buy-from business partners on central contracts.

Decentral Contracts

LN only searches for buy-from business partners on decentral contracts.


In the item-business partners files, LN only searches for buy-from business partners that are linked to an Item.

Item Groups

In the item-business partners files, LN only searches for buy-from business partners that are linked to an Item Group.


LN automatically includes tax code text on printed requests-for-quotation documents and purchase order documents.


You can choose to include tax code text on printed documents in the Print Requests for Quotation (tdpur1401m000) session or the Print Purchase Orders (tdpur4401m000) session.

Sales BOM

Components are handled using a sales BOM.

Component Lines

Components are handled using component lines.

Retrieve Default

A value is retrieved for the copy exception based on standard defaulting logic.


The selected field can be manually specified in the Copy Sales Orders - Prompts (tdsls4201s100) session. By default, the field is filled by the source order.

Copy From...

For date fields, select which date must be copied to the target sales order.

For quantity fields, select which quantity must be copied to the target sales order line.

Copy From Original

For Component Lines, the components that are linked to the source order line are copied to the target order line.


Discounts are calculated from the gross amount.


Discounts are calculated from the net amount.

All Lines

Transactions are logged for the entire schedule.

Lines in the FAB Period

Transactions are logged for the FAB period.

Lines in the Firm Period

Transactions are logged for the period authorized for shipment (firm period).

  • The sales schedule reconciliation record or shipped cumulative record is created and you have not yet received your business partner's received CUM and last receipt quantity for the concerned shipment.
  • The shipped cumulative record is created and you have not yet received an external component's shipped CUM for the concerned shipment.
  • The invoiced cumulative record is created.
  • You received your business partner's received CUM and last receipt quantity for the concerned shipment and these quantities are equal to your shipped CUM and shipped quantity.
  • The shipped CUM and CUM reset date that you received from an external component are equal to your shipped CUM and CUM reset date.
  • If a shipped cumulative record has the Synchronize status, the previous record is set to Matched.

You received your business partner's received CUM and last receipt quantity for the concerned shipment and these quantities are unequal to your shipped CUM and shipped quantity.


You discussed the difference between your business partner's received CUM and your shipped CUM, and as a result you have adjusted the received CUM to equal the shipped CUM.


You discussed the difference between your business partner's received CUM and your shipped CUM, and as a result you have adjusted the shipped CUM to equal the received CUM.

  • The sales schedule cumulative record or the sales schedule authorization record are reset in the Reset Cumulatives (tdsls3230m000) session.
  • The CUM reset date that you received from an external component is later than your CUM reset date, and as a result the sales schedule cumulative record or sales schedule authorization record are reset.
Adjusted and Reconciled

You discussed the difference between your business partner's received CUM and your shipped CUM, and as a result you have adjusted the shipped CUM and the received CUM.

Matched (forced)
  • The received CUM and last receipt quantity that you received from your business partner for the concerned shipment are unequal to your shipped CUM and shipped quantity, but a later entry has already received the status Matched.
  • If a sales schedule reconciliation record has the status Dispute, and its shipped CUM is updated as a result of adjusting previous records with the Dispute status, the current record is set to Matched (forced) if, after correction, quantities match.
Matched (no feedback)
  • You have not yet received your business partner's received CUM and last receipt quantity for the concerned shipment, but a later entry has already received the status Matched or Reconciled. The received CUM and last receipt quantity remain zero.
  • You have not yet received an external component's shipped CUM for the concerned shipment, but a later entry has already received the status Matched.

The shipped CUM that you received from an external component is unequal to your shipped CUM , and as a result your shipped CUM is adjusted with a correction value to equal the external component's shipped CUM.


This record contains the details of a delivery for the sales schedule line. An actual delivery line is automatically created when items are delivered for a sales schedule line, irrespective of whether the sales schedule line's required quantity is totally or partially shipped.


This record contains a correction of a sales schedule delivery record.


This record contains the details of a consumption for the sales schedule.

Return Consumption

This record contains the quantities that are not consumed, but returned for the sales schedule line.


There is no shipping constraint. LN handles the orders based on the available inventory. Sufficient inventory results in a complete shipment. Insufficient inventory results in a back order.

Ship Order Complete

The total order must be shipped in a single shipment. As a result, LN does not allow partial deliveries. Lack of inventory results in the postponement of shipment of the order.

Ship Set Complete

All the order lines with the following common delivery criteria must be shipped in a single shipment:

  • Delivery date.
  • Carrier.
  • Warehouse.
  • Ship-to business partner.
  • Ship-to address.

LN assigns the same set number to these order lines. Other order lines can be shipped separately.

Ship Line Complete

Each order line must be delivered as a whole. LN assigns a unique set number to each order line. Lack of inventory results in the postponement of shipment of the order line.

Ship Line & Cancel

The available inventory is shipped. If sufficient inventory exists, this results in a complete shipment. Lack of inventory does not result in a back order but in cancellation of the order for the remaining quantity. LN enters a predefined cancel reason to the order line. This cancel reason is defined in the Pre-Defined Cancellation Reason for Ship/Cancels field of the Sales Order Parameters (tdsls0100s400) session.

Ship Kit Complete

A main item must be delivered as a whole. LN assigns a unique set number to the component lines that constitute a main item and that must be shipped in one set. Lack of inventory results in back order for the main item, which must also be delivered as a whole.

Not Applicable

No shipping constraint is defined at this level.

Order Date

order date

System Date

system date

Delivery Date

planned delivery date

Note: For sales schedules, the Delivery Date is the Start Date from the Sales Schedule Lines (tdsls3107m000) session.

No specific serial number must be linked to the order line. As a result, the serial number is determined by Warehousing , or by Purchase Control in case of non-inventory items.


You can manually select the serial number that must be linked to the order line from the Item - Serials and Warehouses (whltc5100m000) session. You can only select an item for which the Serials in Inventory check box is selected in the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4600m000) session.

Pull Call-off

A list of time-phased specific requirements of purchased items, triggered from the Assembly Control module, or from Warehousing by means of Kanban, or Time-phased order point.

Pull Forecast

A list of time-phased planned production requirements, generated by Enterprise Planning , which are sent to the supplier. Pull forecast schedules are only used for forecasting purposes. To actually order the items, a pull call-off schedule must be generated.


A list of time-phased requirements, generated by a central planning system such as Enterprise Planning or Project , which are sent to the supplier. Push schedules contain both a forecast for the longer term and actual orders for the short term.

Gross Amount

The additional costs are based on the total gross order/shipment amount.

For item dependent costs, the additional costs are based on the gross shipment line amount.

Net Amount

The additional costs are based on the total net order/shipment amount.

For item dependent costs, the additional costs are based on the net shipment line amount.

Price Unit Quantity

The additional costs are based on the total number of units on the order/shipment, expressed in the price unit.

For item dependent costs, the additional costs are based on the number of units on the shipment line, expressed in the price unit.

Sales Unit Quantity

The additional costs are based on the total number of units on the order/shipment expressed in the sales unit.

For item dependent costs, the additional costs are based on the number of units on the shipment line, expressed in the sales unit.

Inventory Unit Quantity

The additional costs are based on the total number of units on the order/shipment expressed in the inventory unit. For example, if the current inventory unit is pieces, and a customer orders 3 pallets, you must use a conversion table. Suppose a pallet contains 5 boxes, each of them containing 12 pieces, the total number of units is equal to 180 pieces.

For item dependent costs, the additional costs are based on the number of units on the shipment line, expressed in the inventory unit.


The additional costs are based on the total weight of the ordered/shipped goods.

For item dependent costs, the additional costs are based on the weight of the shipment line's shipped goods.

Packing Unit Quantity

The additional costs are based on the total number of units on the order expressed in the packing unit. You can specify these costs with the aid of alternative units defined for the item.

Planning Unit Quantity

The additional costs are based on the total number of units on the order expressed in the planning unit. You can specify these costs by using alternative units defined for the item.

Rate Unit Quantity

The additional costs are based on the total number of units on the order expressed in the rate unit. You can specify them by using alternative units defined for the item.


The activity must still be executed.


The activity is executed.


If the activity Print Purchase Orders (tdpur4401m000) or Print Sales Order Acknowledgements/RMAs (tdsls4401m000) is executed, but the order line data is changed afterwards, the activity's execution status receives the Changed status. Changed order lines can be reprinted.

Not Applicable

The activity is not applicable to the purchase order line (detail) or the sales order (delivery) line, or is linked to the order header only.

Request or Invoice