Sales Order Line Component Actual Delivery COGS (tdsls4169m000)

Use this session to view the actual delivered cost of goods sold by component delivery and by cost component.

Field Information

Order Line

sales order number


position number of an order line

Sequence Number

sequence number

Component Sequence

Sequence number of the component line.


The status of the component line.

Component Actual Delivery Sequence

Identification of the actual delivery line.

Consumption Sequence

The consumption 's sequence number.


The item code of the component.

Delivered Quantity

delivered quantity

Actual Delivery Date

The date on which the goods were delivered.

Consumption Quantity

The quantity that LN will use or has used for delivery of the sales order line item.

When the original delivery is inserted, the consumption quantity equals delivered quantity. When a part of delivered quantity is used to create a complete sales order line item, LN updates this field.

Consumption Date

The date when LN used the delivered quantity on this line to create a complete sales order line item.

Cost Component

cost component

Cost of Sales

cost of goods sold



Cost of Sales (Original Transaction)

The cost of goods sold for the original transaction.

Note: This is a historical amount and is used to counterpost the interim transit account.

Original Currency

The currency in which the Cost of Sales (Original Transaction) is expressed.


If this check box is selected, the shipment process has processed this line and LN has updated the actual delivery information in the Sales Order Actual Delivery Lines (tdsls4106m000) session, based on the component shipments.