Sales Order Line Component Estimated COGS (tdsls4165m000)

Use this session to view the estimated cost of goods sold (COGS) information for sales order component lines. The COGS information is based on the ordered quantity and is accumulated for a specific sales order component line.

You can start this session from the Sales Order Line Components (tdsls4163m000) session.

Note: After deliveries are executed for a sales order component line, you can view the actual cost of goods sold (COGS) information in the Sales Order Line Component Actual Delivery COS (tdsls4169m000) session.

Field Information

Order Line

sales order number


position number of an order line

Sequence Number

sequence number

Component Sequence

The sequence number of the sales order component line.


The status of the sales order component line.

Allowed values


The sales order component line is created, or the Delivery Type is changed for the component line. The sales order component line is ready to be processed.The order/schedule (history) data is removed by order/schedule. LN checks whether the entire order/schedule (history) can be deleted. Order header data and order lines are only removed if no back order quantities are registered anymore.

In Process

The sales order component line has been released to Warehousing , or a purchase order or purchase order advice has been generated for it.

Partially Delivered

The order/schedule (history) data is removed by order/schedule. LN checks whether the entire order/schedule (history) can be deleted. OrderA partial shipment is recorded for the sales order component line.


A final shipment or final purchase delivery is recorded for the sales order component line. This status can no longer be changed.


The item code of the component.

Ordered Quantity

The ordered quantity of the component.

Sales Unit

sales unit

Cost Component

cost component

This field displays the aggregated material cost component, as defaulted from the Item - Costing (ticpr0107m000) session.

Cost of Sales

A sales order component line's total estimated cost of goods sold (COGS).

Costs of Goods Sold

home currency