Sales Order Invoice Lines (tdsls4106m100)

Use this session to view, enter, maintain, and release sales order invoice lines.

Invoice lines that are created for normal or kitting sales order lines are immediately approved. Therefore, you cannot update the Invoice Quantity.

Invoice lines that are created for consumptions or for customer approval sales orders lines, have the Free status. When processing a consumption or approving the sales order line, the status changes to Approved. Next, the lines can be invoiced.

  • Sales order invoice lines are only available if deliveries are executed for a sales order line, which you can view in the Sales Order Actual Delivery Lines (tdsls4106m000) or Sales Order Line Component Actual Deliveries (tdsls4166m000) session.
  • Invoice lines that have the Returned Consumption Quantity field filled, will not be invoiced. These lines are only used to store the unused part of the shipped quantity. You cannot use this consumption line to return goods. To physically return unconsumed goods, use a separate return order.

Field Information

Order Line

sales order number


position number of an order line


sequence number

Actual Delivery Line Sequence Number

The number of the sales order actual delivery line or sales order line component actual delivery.



Delivered Quantity

delivered quantity

Returned Consumption Quantity

The total quantity of the order that is not consumed but returned. This quantity is not invoiced.

Inventory Unit

inventory unit

Invoice Line

The number of the sales order invoice line.

Set Number

set number

Note: Click Create Invoice Set on the appropriate menu to create a set number in the Sales Order Line - Linked Invoicing Information (tdsls4508m000) session.

The status of the sales order invoice line.

Allowed values


The invoice line is just created and can be updated. If an invoice line has the Free status, the invoice quantity is always equal to the delivered quantity.

You can delete Free invoice lines.


The invoice line is approved. After approval, you can no longer update the invoice line.

When an invoice line is approved, LN:

  • Creates financial transactions.
  • Updates the cost of goods sold.
  • Creates a sales return order, if applicable.
  • Creates a new sales invoice line, if applicable.
  • Creates history for sales order lines.

The invoice line is released to Invoicing .

When an invoice line is released to Invoicing , LN adjusts the open balance.


The invoice line is posted in Invoicing . As a result, LN updates invoice-related fields.


The invoice line is processed as a result of processing the delivered sales order in the Process Delivered Sales Orders (tdsls4223m000) session.

Processing a delivered sales order can only be performed if the complete delivered quantity minus the rejected quantity matches the invoice quantity and is invoiced completely. All invoice lines for a sales order must have the Invoiced status and the invoice quantity plus the rejected quantity must be equal to the delivered quantity.

When an invoice line is processed, LN:

  • Inserts a turnover record in the sales order actual delivery line history.
  • Updates contract data.

You can delete Processed invoice lines in the Archive/Delete Sales Orders (tdsls4224m000) session.

Invoice Quantity

(Part of) the delivered quantity that is approved for invoicing, expressed in the invoice quantity unit.

The default invoice quantity for the first invoice line that is linked to the actual delivery line is:

Invoice Qty =  Delivered Qty

The invoice quantity for all subsequent invoice lines that are linked to the actual delivery line is:

Invoice Qty = Delivered Qty - Total Invoice Qty - Total Rejected Qty
  • You can overwrite the default values.
  • Invoice lines created for consumptions will automatically have status Approved. As a result, you cannot change the invoice quantity.
Invoice Quantity Unit

The unit in which the invoice quantity is invoiced.

Rejected Quantity

Part of the delivered quantity that is rejected and cannot be invoiced, expressed in the rejected quantity unit.


If a rejected quantity is entered, you must also define the following fields before you can approve the invoice line:

  • Delivery Type
  • Rejection Order Type
  • Rejection Reason
Rejected Quantity Unit

The unit in which the rejected quantity is expressed.

Rejection Reason

The reason for rejecting the goods. The rejection reason can only be a reason of the type Rejection of Goods.

Delivery Type

If the Rejected Quantity is filled, this field specifies whether and how the rejected quantity is returned.

Allowed values

  • Direct Delivery

    The rejected quantity is returned to the supplier.
  • Warehouse

    The rejected quantity is returned to your own warehouse. You must specify a warehouse in the Return Warehouse field.
  • Not Applicable

    No return order is required for the rejected quantity.
Rejection Order Type

The return order type that is used to return the rejected goods. The return order type can only be a return order of the type Return Rejects.

Return Warehouse

The warehouse to which the rejected goods are returned.

Note: If the Delivery Type field of the original sales order line is set to Cross-docking or Warehouse in the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session, the warehouse is defaulted from the sales order line. If the Delivery Type field of the original sales order line is set to Direct Delivery, the standard defaulting logic applies for the warehouse.
Returned Consumption Quantity

The quantity that is not consumed but returned. This quantity is not invoiced.


document line price

Sales Price Unit

The unit on which the sales price is based. This unit can differ from the item's inventory unit.


The price is recorded by unit. If the sales price unit differs from the inventory unit, you must specify the sales price unit in the MCS Parameters (tcmcs0100s000) session. In that session, you specify the factor used to convert the alternative unit (sales price unit) to the inventory unit.

The sales price unit and the inventory unit must be the same for cost items or service items.

Material Price

material price

Price excluding Material Price Surcharges

initial price

Material Price Surcharges

material price surcharges

All Materials have Actual Prices

If this check box is selected, for all materials that are linked to the line, material actual prices are available.

Customs Value
The customs value of the delivery item linked to the sales order invoice line.
  • This value is defaulted from the Customs Value field in the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session if warehouse is used for the item.
  • This value is defaulted from the Customs Value field in the Warehouse Receipt Lines (whinh3512m100) session in case of return orders.
  • This value is defaulted from the Customs Value field in the Sales Deliveries (tdsls4101m200) session in case of sales deliveries.
  • When the order line for zero quantities of product items is directly released to invoicing, this field is defaulted from the Customs Value field of the order line in the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session.
  • This value is expressed in the customs value currency for an inventory unit if the quantity on sales order line is not equal to zero. If order line quantity is zero, the customs value represents the customs value amount.
Customs Value Currency
The code of the currency in which the customs value is expressed.
  • This value is defaulted from the Customs Value Currency field in the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session if warehouse is used for the item.
  • This value is defaulted from the Customs Value Currency field in the Warehouse Receipt Lines (whinh3512m100) session in case of return orders.
  • This value is defaulted from the Customs Value Currency field in the Sales Deliveries (tdsls4101m200) session in case of sales deliveries.
  • When the order line for zero quantities of product items is directly released to invoicing, this value is defaulted from the Order Currency field of the order in the Sales Order (tdsls4100m900) session.
  • This value is mandatory if the Customs Value is specified.
Approval date

The date the sales order invoice line is approved.

Invoice Number

financial company

Invoice Transaction Type

transaction Type

Invoice Number

invoice number

Note: This field is filled when the invoice line is posted in Invoicing and, as a result, the status of the invoice line reads Invoiced.
Invoice Date

invoice date

Note: This field is filled when the invoice line is posted in Invoicing and, as a result, the status of the invoice line reads Invoiced.
Order Discount Amount

The discount amount that is subtracted from the net (delivered) amount.

Invoice Amount

The amount invoiced to the sold-to business partner for the actual delivery line. This amount is based on the invoiced quantity and the price and discounts for the order (delivery) line.

Order Currency


Price Stage

price stage

Default value

From the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session.


If this check box is selected, this line has linked installments.

Linked Invoice Line

The number of invoice line linked to the sales order.

Note: This field is displayed only if the Correction Line field is created.
Correction Quantity

The quantity for which you do not want to invoice your business partner.

Note: This field is displayed only if the Correction Line field is created.
Correction Date

The date on which correction line is created.

Note: This value is defaulted based on the date of correction.

Indicates that the correction line is confirmed.