Print Vendor Ratings (tdpur8402m000)

Use this session to print vendor ratings.

Field Information

Period Rating Only

If this check box is selected, LN only calculates the period rating for the business partner/period combination.

LN calculates the period rating for the business partner/period combination as follows:

Period rating = sum (all criteria ratings * actual weightings) 
  • All criteria ratings

    Both the objective ratings and the subjective ratings for the newest business partner/period combination are taken into account. LN retrieves the objective ratings from the Objective Ratings (tdpur8106m000) session and the subjective ratings from the Vendor Ratings by Period (tdpur8102m000) session and the Vendor Ratings by Criterion (tdpur8102m100) session.
  • Actual weightings

    The actual weightings are calculated in the first stage of the update vendor-rating procedure. LN retrieves the objective criteria weightings from the Vendor Rating Parameters (tdpur0100m800) session and the subjective criteria weightings from the Vendor Rating Subjective Criteria (tdpur8190m000) session.


The following criteria apply to a business partner in the newest period:

Criterion Rating Actual weighting
Delivery time 90 30%
Quality 80 40%
Customer Service 50 20%
Delivery Service 70 10%

The period rating for this business partner/period combination is calculated as follows:

Overall rating = (90 * 30%) + (80 *40%) + (50 * 20%) + (70 * 10%) = 76%

LN writes the results of this calculation to the following sessions:

  • Vendor Ratings by Period (tdpur8102m000)
  • Vendor Ratings by Criterion (tdpur8102m100) In this case the Criterion Type field and the Criterion field are empty to make clear that the displayed vendor rating is the overall rating for the business-partner/period combination.