RFQ (tdpur8310m000)

Use this session to filter the requests for quotation (RFQs) and request for quotation (RFQ) lines that require a buyer's attention and to execute the appropriate actions on the lines. For example, RFQ lines whose response date is almost due, for which responses are yet to be received, or for which specific process actions must be performed.

Note: When you access this session, the count for each filter is displayed as 0. You must use the Refresh Total option to view the updated counts.


You can use these filters to display the appropriate selection of RFQs and RFQ lines:

  • General Filter

    By Purchase Office, Buyer, Bidder, Item, or by a combination of these fields.
  • Process Filter

    By processing status or action.
  • Date Filter

    By (response) due date.
  • The check marks next to the filter options indicate the filters that are activated.
  • The count fields display the number of lines for the filter. This number is displayed irrespective of the activation of the filter.


The RFQs and RFQ lines that match the activated filters are displayed on these tabs:

  • Responses

    Refers to the RFQ Responses (tdpur1506m100) session. When you double-click a line, the RFQ Responses (tdpur1506m000) session is started.
  • RFQ Lines

    Refers to the Request for Quotation Lines (tdpur1502m100) session. When you double-click a line, the RFQ Lines (tdpur1502m000) session is started.
  • RFQs

    Refers to the Requests for Quotation (tdpur1501m100) session. When you double-click a line or click New, the Request for Quotation (tdpur1600m000) session is started.

Field Information

Purchase Office

purchase office




buy-from business partner




The total number of RFQ lines that are displayed, based on the General filter.


If a check mark is displayed, RFQ lines that are ready to be printed are displayed.

Click Print to activate or deactivate this filter.


The count of the lines for the filter, which is displayed irrespective of the activation of the filter.


If a check mark is displayed, RFQ lines with the status Negotiating are displayed.

Click Negotiating to activate or deactivate this filter.

Awaiting Conversion Type

If a check mark is displayed, RFQ lines for which the Conversion Type is yet to be specified are displayed.

Click Awaiting Conversion Type to activate or deactivate this filter.

Ready for Process

If a check mark is displayed, RFQ lines that are ready to be processed are displayed.

Click Ready for Process to activate or deactivate this filter.

Past Response Date

If a check mark is displayed, RFQ lines with the response date in the past are displayed.

Click Past Response Date to activate or deactivate this filter.

Due Today

If a check mark is displayed, RFQ lines with the response date scheduled for today are displayed.

Click Due Today to activate or deactivate this filter.

Due 1-7 Days

If a check mark is displayed, RFQ lines with the response date in the next seven days are displayed.

Click Due 1-7 Days to activate or deactivate this filter.

Due Beyond 7 Days

If a check mark is displayed, RFQ lines with the response date after the next seven days are displayed.

Click Due Beyond 7 Days to activate or deactivate this filter.


The type of graph that is displayed.

These graphs can be selected:

  • Vendor Rating by Supplier

    Shows the vendor rating of the selected supplier for the last 12 months.
  • Vendor Rating Top 8

    Shows the vendor rating of the first eight suppliers for the selected item in the current period.
  • Win / Loss Ratio

    Shows the win and loss ratio for the response lines of the selected bidder for the last 12 months.

See RFQ graphs.