Archive/Delete Services Procurement Orders (tdpur6224m000)
Use this session to delete the services procurement orders.
Field Information
- Delete or Archive
- Archive or Delete
Indicates if the Services Procurement Order is set to archive or delete.
Allowed values
- Delete Only
Deletes the selected data.
- Archive Only
Copies the selected data to an archive company.
- Archive and Delete
Copies the selected data to an archive company and deletes from the original company.
- Settings
- Original Company
- The code of the original company.
- Archive-to Company
- The code of the company to which the services procurement order is archived.
- Selection Range
- Use the fields in the Selection Range group box to specify the range of data to print the service procurement orders with change requests.
- Archive/Delete
- Archive up to Date
- The date and time till which the orders
can be archived. Note: The application selects the current date and time as default. service procurement order lines are considered for archiving if the end date of the lines is less than or equal to the up to end date of the selected option.
- Delete Processed Orders
- If the check box is selected, the application prints the acknowledged sheets for the Errors.
- Delete up to Date
- The date and time till which Processed
Orders can be deleted.Note: The application selects the current date and time as default. service procurement order lines are considered for deleting if the end date of the lines is less than or equal to the up to end date of the selected option.
- Delete Canceled Orders
- If the check box is selected, the application prints the acknowledged sheets for the Errors.
- Delete up to Date
- The date and time till which cancelled
orders can be deleted.Note: The application selects the current date and time as default. service procurement order lines are considered for deleting if the end date of the lines is less than or equal to the up to end date of the selected option.
- Delete Orders without Lines
- If the check box is selected, the application prints the acknowledged sheets for the Errors.
- Delete up to Date
- The date and time till which orders
without lines can be deleted.Note: The application selects the current date and time as default. service procurement order lines are considered for deleting if the end date of the lines is less than or equal to the up to end date of the selected option.
- Options
- Archive Text
- If this check box is selected, the text is set to archive.
- Overwrite Text
- If this check box is selected, the text is set to overwrite.
- Print Options
- Print Errors
- If the check box is selected, the application prints the acknowledged sheets for any errors that occurred during the deleting of service procurement order lines.
- Print Statistics
- If the check box is selected, the application prints the statistics.