Application for Payment Lines (tdpur6121m000)
Use this session to maintain the AFP-lines.
- You can access this session only if the Services Procurement field is set to Active or In Preparation in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
- You can access this session only if theServices Procurement Orders check box is selected in the Procurement Parameters (tdpur0100m000) session.
- You can modify the applied values only if:
- the AFP status is Initiated or Awaiting and the current date is equal to or later than the assessment as at date.
- The status is Received, In Process or Assessed.
- When an AFP is created, data is defaulted from the related Subcontracting Procurement Order Line (tdpur6601m000) session. The related SPO lines and call-off lines are copied.
Field Information
- Application for Payment
- The code of the Application for Payment.
- Number
- The number of the Application for Payment.
- Status
The Status of the Application for Payment.
Allowed values
- Awaiting
- Initiated
- Received
- In Process
- Assessed
- Approved
- Canceled
- Closed
- Not Applicable
- Services Procurement Order
- The services procurement order number.
- Line
- The order line payment number of application related to
the subcontractor.Note: This value must exist in the Subcontracting Procurement Order Line (tdpur6601m000) session for the related Subcontracting Procurement Order.
- Sequence
- The application for payment line number.Note: This value must exist in the Subcontracting Procurement Order Line (tdpur6601m000) session for the related Subcontracting Procurement Order.
- Variation Line
- The variation line number linked to the application for payment.
- Call-Off Line
- The call off line number of application for
payment.Note: This value must exist in the Subcontracting Procurement Order Line (tdpur6601m000) session for the related Subcontracting Procurement Order.
- Assessment
- Scope of Work
- Description Only
- Indicates if only the description is specified and not the Scope of Work and item.
- Scope of Work
- The scope of work specified for the Supply Type of the Services Trade linked to the related Subcontracting Procurement Order.
- Line Type
- The code of the line type.
Allowed values
- Amount Only
- Rate Only
- Quantity and Rate
- Not Applicable
- Quantity
- The ordered quantity.
- The unit in which the Quantity is expressed.
- Procurement Rate
- The Subcontracting Procurement Order Rate for the
procured services.Note:
- This value is defaulted from Subcontracting Procurement Order Line (tdpur6601m000) session.
- This field is enabled only if AFP status is set to Awaiting.
- Currency
- The currency in which the Procurement Rate is expressed.
- Procurement Rate Unit
- The unit of measure for the Procurement Rate.
- Net Order Amount
- The net order amount in the Subcontracting Procurement Order Line (tdpur6601m000) session.
- Capped Amount
- Indicates the maximum amount that can be invoiced for the order line.
- Previous Periods
- Applied Quantity
- The applied quantity to previous period.
- Quantity Unit
- The unit in which the applied quantity is expressed.
- Certified Quantity
- The cumulative Certified Quantity (approved CFP quantity of earlier AFPs).
- Payless Quantity
- The balance quantity after deducting assessed
quantity from the applied quantity.
Formula: Payless Quantity = Applied Quantity – Assessed Quantity
. - Remaining Quantity
- The remaining quantity after deducting Applied
Quantity Previous Periods from the Ordered quantity.
Formula: Remaining Quantity = Ordered quantity – Applied Quantity Previous Periods
. - Applied Amount
- The applied amount for the line order.
- Certified Amount
- The certified amount to previous period.
- Payless Amount
- The payless amount to the previous period.
Formula: Payless Amount = Applied Amount – Assessed Amount
. - Remaining Amount
- The remaining amount to the previous period.
Formula: Remaining Amount = Ordered Amount – Applied Amount Previous Periods
. - Current Period
- Applied Progress %
- The applied progress
percentage of the line order.Note:
- This field is enabled only if Services Line Type is set to a value other than Rate Only and Not Applicable.
- If the Self-Billing check box in the Subcontracting Procurement Order (tdpur6600m000) session is selected, this field is defaulted from Assessed Progress %.
- Assessed Progress %
- The assessed progress percentage of the line
order.Note: This field is enabled only if Services Line Type is set to a value other than Rate Only and Not Applicable.
- Applied Quantity
- The applied quantity in the current period.Note:
- This value can be modified if:
- The Assessment Basis field is set to Cumulative.
- The AFP status is set to Received, In Process or Assessed.
- This field is enabled only if Services Line Type is set to a value other than Amount Only and Not Applicable.
- This value is populated based on the specified Applied Progress percentage.
- The quantity cannot be greater than the Subcontracting Procurement Order Line quantity.
- This value can be modified if:
- Assessed Quantity
- The assessed quantity of the line order.Note:
- This value can be modified if:
- The Assessment Basis field is set to Cumulative.
- The AFP status is set to Received, In Process or Assessed.
- This field is enabled only if Services Line Type is set to a value other than Amount Only and Not Applicable.
- This value is populated based on the specified Assessed Progress percentage.
- The quantity cannot be zero.
- The quantity cannot be greater than the SPO line quantity.
- This value can be modified if:
- Payless Quantity
- The payless quantity to the current period.
Formula: Payless Quantity = Applied quantity – Assessed quantity
. - Remaining Quantity
- The remaining quantity to the current period.
Formula: Remaining Quantity = Ordered quantity – Applied Quantity Current Periods
. - Applied Amount
- The applied amount for the line order.
Formula: Applied Amount=Ordered Amount – Applied Amount Current Periods
.Note:- This field is enabled only if Line Type is set to a value other than Not Applicable.
- If the Self-Billing check box is selected for the related Subcontracting Procurement Order the Assessed Amount of the order is defaulted in this field.
- This value is populated based on the specified Applied Progress % percentage.
- The amount is expressed in the services procurement order currency.
- The Applied Amount cannot be zero.
- The sum of all of the AFP-lines for this AFP cannot be greater than the AFP Applied Amount.
- In case of Cumulative this field is always calculated (just as all of the This Period
Formula: Current Period Value = Cumulative Value - Previous Periods Value
. - In case of Assessment Basis Periodic, amount + total applied amount of other AFP lines cannot be greater than AFP Applied Amount.
- Assessed Amount
- The amount for the assessed services.Note:
- This field is enabled only if Line Type is set to a value Amount Only .
- This value is populated based on the specified Assessed Progress % percentage.
- The Assessed Amount is expressed in SPO currency.
- The amount cannot be less than zero.
- Payless Amount
- The payless amount to the current period.
Formula: Payless Amount = Applied amount – Assessed amount
. - Remaining Amount
- The remaining amount to the current period.
Formula: Remaining Amount = Ordered Amount – Applied Amount Current Periods
- Cumulative
- Applied Progress %
- The cumulative applied progress percentage of the line order.Note:
- This value can be modified if:
- The Assessment Basis field is set to Cumulative.
- The AFP status is set to Awaiting and the current date is equal to or later than the Assessment As At Date.
- The AFP status is Initiated.
- This field is enabled only if Line Type is set to a value other than Rate Only and Not Applicable.
- If the Self-Billing check box is selected for the related Subcontracting Procurement Order the Assessed Progress of the order is defaulted in this field.
- This value can be modified if:
- Assessed Progress %
- The cumulative assessed progress percentage of the line order.Note:
- This value can be modified if:
- The Assessment Basis field is set to Cumulative.
- The AFP status is set to Received, In Process or Assessed.
- This field is enabled only if Line Type is set to a value other than Rate Only and Not Applicable.
- This value can be modified if:
- Applied Quantity
- The cumulative applied quantity of the line order.Note:
- This value can be modified if:
- The Assessment Basis field is set to Cumulative.
- The AFP status is set to Awaiting and the current date is equal to or later than the Assessment as at Date.
- The AFP status is Initiated.
- This field is enabled only if Line Type is set to a value other than Rate Only and Not Applicable.
- This value is populated based on the specified applied progress percentage.
- The quantity cannot be greater than the Subcontracting Procurement Order Line quantity.
- This value can be modified if:
- Assessed Quantity
- The assessed quantity of the line order.Note:
- This value can be modified if:
- The Assessment Basis field is set to Cumulative.
- The AFP status is set to Received, In Process or Assessed.
- This field is enabled only if Line Type is set to a value other than Amount Only and Not Applicable.
- This value is populated based on the specified Assessed Progress percentage.
- The quantity cannot be zero.
- The quantity cannot be greater than the SPO line quantity.
- This value can be modified if:
- Payless Quantity
- The balance quantity after deducting assessed quantity from the applied
Formula: Payless Quantity = Applied Quantity – Assessed Quantity
.Note: You cannot modify this value. - Remaining Quantity
- The remaining quantity to the current period. Note: This value is calculated based on this
formula: SPO line value - Cumulative Assessed Value
. You cannot modify this value.Formula: Remaining Quantity = Ordered quantity – Applied Quantity Current Periods
. - Applied Amount
- The amount applied for the line order.
Formula: Applied Amount = Ordered Amount – Applied Amount Current Periods
.Note:- This value can be modified if:
- The Assessment Basis field is set to Cumulative.
- The AFP status is set to Awaiting and the current date is equal to or later than the Assessment As At Date.
- The AFP status is Initiated.
- This field is enabled only if Line Type is set to a value other than Amount Only and Not Applicable.
- This value is populated based on the specified Applied Progress percentage.
- This field is enabled only if Services Line Type is set to a value other than Not Applicable.
- If the Self-Billing check box is selected for the related Subcontracting Procurement Order the assessed amount of the order is defaulted in this field.
- The amount cannot be zero.
- This value can be modified if:
- Assessed Amount
- The amount for the assessed services.Note:
- This value can be modified if:
- The Assessment Basis field is set to Cumulative.
- The AFP status is set to Received, In Process or Assessed.
- This field is enabled only if Line Type is set to a value Amount Only .
- This field is defaulted if the Assessed Progress % is specified. is specified.
- This amount is expressed in the currency specified for the related Subcontracting Procurement Order.
- The amount must be greater than zero..
- This value can be modified if:
- Payless Amount
- The payless amount for the current period.
Formula: Payless Amount = Applied amount – Assessed amount
.Note: You cannot modify this value. - Remaining Amount
- The remaining amount for the current period.
Formula: Remaining Amount = Ordered Amount – Applied Amount for Current Periods
.Note: This value is calculated based on thisformula: SPO line value - Cumulative Assessed Value
. You cannot modify this value.
- Miscellaneous
- Payless Text
- Indicates if the payless text exists. The
application selects this check box if the assessment amount is
less than the applied amount.Note: This field is only applicable if line assessed is less than the line applied amount.