Purchase Order Material Supply Lines (tdpur4116m000)

Use this session to view, specify, and maintain the material supply lines that are linked to a subcontracted purchase order line. The lines indicate all the materials that are supplied by you (the manufacturer or service organization) to the subcontractor.

Subcontracting types

The method to process purchase order material supply lines is based on the type of subcontracting, which can be operation subcontracting, item subcontracting, unplanned subcontracting, or service subcontracting.

  • Operation subcontracting

    The material supply lines are generated from Job Shop Control and are based on the estimated material lines of a production order's subcontracted operation.

    • You cannot manually specify or update material supply lines in this session. Changes are initiated from the estimated material lines.
    • This session is updated with the material consumptions from Manufacturing.
  • Item subcontracting

    The material supply lines are generated from the bill of material (BOM) lines with the Supplied by Subcontractor check box cleared.

    • You can manually specify or update material supply lines in this session.
    • This session is updated with the material consumptions from Purchase Control.
    • The Valuation for Subcontracting WIP field in the Purchase Order Parameters (tdpur0100m400) session determines how the costs of the supplied materials are assigned to the received end item's inventory value.
  • Unplanned subcontracting

    Unplanned subcontracting is applicable if you subcontract after the creation of a production order. For unplanned subcontracting, the material supply lines are populated by Job Shop Control. The lines are based on the estimated material lines of the original production order's subcontracted operation. The lines are deleted after the item subcontracting purchase order is generated.
  • Service subcontracting

    The material supply lines are generated from Service; either from a work order activity in case of depot repair, or from a service order activity in case of field service.
    • You cannot manually specify or update material supply lines in this session. Changes are initiated from the reference activity.
    • This session is updated with the material consumptions from Service.

For all subcontracting scenarios, consumed material is issued from inventory, using a consumption message, or by backflushing.

Consumption messages are used if the Method of Inventory Update field is set to Receipts, Consumptions and Inv. Balance, Receipts and Consumptions, or Inventory Balance as Consumption in the Logistics Terms and Conditions (tctrm1140m000) session. Otherwise, material consumptions are updated through backflushing.

Backorder lines

If the manufacturer receives less than the ordered quantity, or if the goods are rejected, a backorder line is created. No additional material supply lines are linked to this line.

You can add material supply lines to the backorder line:

  • By inserting new estimated material lines for operation subcontracting
  • By manually adding material supply lines for item subcontracting

The backorder handling for the materials depends on the type of transfer order used to supply the material.

  • Sales Order Transfer

    If the delivered quantity is less than the required quantity, a backorder line is created in Sales Control. This backorder line is linked to the related purchase order in the Purchase Order Material Supply Lines (tdpur4116m000) session.
  • Warehouse Transfer

    If the transferred quantity is less than the required quantity, a backorder is created for the warehouse transfer. The Create Backorders check box must be selected for the order type in the Warehousing Order Types (whinh0110m000) session.

Supply orders

Supply orders or schedules must be generated in the current session or the Generate Supply Orders for Subcontracting (tdpur4216m000) session. The supply system determines how the supply orders/schedules are generated for the material.

  • Order controlled/Single

    If the Responsible for Supply Planning check box is selected, the Supply Type determines how the material is supplied.
    • If this field is set to Warehouse, a warehouse transfer order, sales transfer order, or sales transfer schedule must be generated to transfer the material from the component warehouse (supply-from warehouse) to the administrative warehouse (supply-to warehouse), which represents the subcontractor's warehouse.
    • If this field is set to Supplier, the manufacturer orders the goods from the Buy-from Business Partner who directly delivers the goods to the administrative warehouse (supply-to warehouse), which represents the subcontractor's shop floor warehouse. As a result, a supply purchase order or purchase schedule must be generated.
  • Order controlled/Batch

    If the supply system is order controlled/Batch, supply orders are generated by Warehousing based on supply requests. The material supply lines generated in this session and the generated supply orders are not linked.
  • Other supply system

    If the supply system is not Order Controlled/Single or Order Controlled/Batch, supply orders are generated by Enterprise Planning. The material supply lines in this session and the generated supply orders are not linked.
  • For the Order Controlled/Single supply system, this session can be used to generate supply orders. For all other supply systems, this session is only used for information purposes and to view the material consumptions.
  • If order line fields are changed on an approved purchase order, the linked material supply lines and supply orders are updated. However, if the Item or Subcontracted fields change, the linked material supply lines are deleted.

Field Information

Purchase Order

The purchase order to which the material supply lines are linked.


position number of an order line


sequence number

Material Sequence

The sequence number of the material supply line.

Warehouse Order Reference Sequence

A material supply sequence number, which is used as a unique reference for the inbound and outbound order lines in Warehousing . The material supply sequence number is unique for each purchase order line.

  • To distinguish these material supply sequence numbers from other sequence numbers, the numbering runs from 1000 up to 9999.
  • This field is only applicable for item subcontracting, for which inbound and/or outbound order lines must be generated for the material supply lines.

The material that must be supplied to the subcontractor.


If this check box is selected, the item on this material supply line is a subassembly.

The material can be a manufacturing subassembly, if the material supply line is generated from Manufacturing , or a service subassembly, if the material supply line is generated from Depot Repair for service subcontracting.

Note: If this check box is selected, the Responsible for Supply Planning check box is also selected.
Floor Stock
Indicates if the item is a floor stock item.
Effectivity Unit

effectivity unit

Lot Selection

lot selection



Serial Number

serial number

If a serial number is specified, the Required Quantity is 1 or -1.

Required Quantity

The quantity of the material that is required for the subcontractor.

For item subcontracting, this quantity is calculated as follows:

(Net Quantity + scrap) * Ordered Quantity
  • The net quantity and scrap are retrieved from the Bill of Material (tibom1110m000) session.
  • The ordered quantity is retrieved from the Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000) session.

For operation subcontracting, this quantity is calculated as follows:

               To Issue + Subsequent Delivery

These quantities are retrieved from the Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000) session.


inventory unit

Planned Receipt Date

The date on which the materials are planned to be received by the subcontractor.

Note: This field is applicable only if the Supply System is Order Controlled/Single or Order Controlled/Batch.

Default value

This field is defaulted from the Order Date field of the Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000) session.

Customs Value

The tax that is levied on an export article's value.

The customs value is used during the customs check. If this field is filled, the customs value need not be calculated when passing the customs, which saves time and transport costs.

Note: The customs value only applies if the goods are delivered by Warehousing . If this field is filled and you release the order to Warehousing , the customs value is defaulted to Warehousing .

Default value

This field is defaulted with the item's purchase price. If the purchase price is zero, the item's standard cost is displayed by default.

The customs value is calculated as follows:

price - order line discounts - order header discount

The owner of the material supply line, which is retrieved from the linked service order or work order.

Note: This field is applicable only for service subcontracting.
Peg Distribution

If this check box is selected, a peg distribution is linked to this Purchase Order Material Supply Line.

Note: If this check box is selected, the Supply System cannot be Time-Phased Order Point or Order Controlled/Batch.

Project Pegged Inventory

If this check box is selected, project pegged inventory is used when issuing components to the subcontractor. Therefore, a peg distribution is created for the generated supply order and planned inventory transaction (PIT).

If this check box is cleared, the supply order and PIT are not pegged.

Note: If the Project Pegged Inventory check box is selected, the component with the proper pegs is retrieved from inventory and sent to the supplier. Both the logistical and the financial transactions are pegged. If the Peg Distribution check box is selected, but the Project Pegged Inventory check box is cleared, only the financial transactions of the material supply line are pegged. Anonymous stock is taken from inventory during consumption, but the actual costs for the anonymous stock are logged to the project cost ledger with the proper pegs.

Production Order

The number of the linked production order.

Note: This field is only applicable for operation subcontracting.

Default value

This field is defaulted from the Production Order field in the Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000) session.

Estimated Material Line

The position number of the estimated material.

Note: This field is only applicable for operation subcontracting.

Default value

This field is defaulted from the Position field in the Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000) session.


The number of the operation for which the material is needed.

Note: This field is only applicable for operation subcontracting.

Default value

This field is defaulted from the Operation field in the Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000) session.

Maintenance Work Order

The number of the linked work order.

Note: This field is only applicable for service subcontracting.

Default value

This field is defaulted from the Work Order field in the Work Order (tswcs2100m100) session.

Work Order Activity Line

The activity line of the linked work order.

Note: This field is only applicable for service subcontracting.
Reference Activity

The reference activity of the linked work order.

Note: This field is only applicable for service subcontracting.
Service Order

The number of the linked service order.

Note: This field is only applicable for service subcontracting.

Default value

This field is defaulted from the Service Order field in the Service Order (tssoc2100m100) session.

Service Order Activity Line

The linked service-order activity line.

Note: This field is only applicable for service subcontracting.
Reference Activity

The reference activity of the linked service order.

Note: This field is only applicable for service subcontracting.
Supply-to Warehouse

The administrative warehouse to which the materials are supplied.

  • A value must be specified in this field if the components are supplied by the manufacturer.
  • The warehouse must be of the type Normal, Shop Floor, or Consignment (Not Owned).

Default value

  • For operation subcontracting and for unplanned subcontracting, this field is defaulted from Job Shop Control .
  • For item subcontracting, this field is defaulted from the Ship-to Warehouse field in the Items - Sales Business Partner (tdisa0510m000) session.
  • For service subcontracting, this field is defaulted from Service .
Supply-to Address

The address to which the material is supplied.

Supply Quantity

The quantity of the material that is supplied to the subcontractor, expressed in the supply unit.

Note: This field is applicable only if the Supply System is Order Controlled/Single and the Responsible for Supply Planning check box is selected.

Default value

This field is defaulted from the Required Quantity field.

Supply Unit

The unit in which the Supply Quantity is expressed.

Default value

This field is defaulted from the Inventory Unit field.

Supply Quantity

The quantity of the material that is supplied to the subcontractor, expressed in the inventory unit.

Note: This field is applicable only if the Supply System is Order Controlled/Single and the Responsible for Supply Planning check box is selected.

Default value

This field is defaulted from the Required Quantity field.

Responsible for Supply Planning

If this check box is selected, the manufacturer or service organization is responsible for initiating the supply to a subcontractor's warehouse.

If this check box is cleared, the subcontractor is responsible for initiating the supply from a manufacturer's or service organization's warehouse.

Supply System

supply system

Default value

This field is defaulted from the Supply System field in the Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2110s000) session.

Supply Type

The location from where the materials are supplied to the subcontractor.

  • Warehouse

    Supply takes place from a warehouse.
  • Supplier

    Supply takes place from a manufacturer's supplier (buy-from business partner).

If this field is Warehouse, a transfer supply order or schedule must be generated to ship the materials from the manufacturer or service organization to the subcontractor.

If this field is Supplier, a purchase supply order or schedule must be generated to order the goods from the Buy-from Business Partner who directly delivers the goods to the subcontractor.


If the Supply from Warehouse check box is selected in the Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2110s000) session, this field is Warehouse.

If the Supply from Warehouse check box is cleared in the Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2110s000) session, this field is Supplier.

Buy-from Business Partner

buy-from business partner

Note: You can only define this field if the Supply Type is Supplier.

Default value

This field is defaulted from the Buy-from Business Partner field in the Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2110s000) session.

Ship-from Business Partner

ship-from business partner

Note: You can only define this field if the Supply Type is Supplier.

Default value

This field is defaulted from the Ship-from Business Partner field in the Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2110s000) session.

Supply-from Warehouse

The warehouse from which material supply takes place to the administrative Supply-to Warehouse, which represents the subcontractor's warehouse.

  • This field is not applicable if the supply is anonymous and/or the Supply System is Order Controlled/Batch.
  • The warehouse must be of the Normal, Shop Floor, or Consignment (Not Owned) type.

Default value

  • For operation subcontracting and for unplanned subcontracting, this field is defaulted from Job Shop Control .
  • For item subcontracting, this field is defaulted from the Supply Warehouse field in the Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2110s000) session.
  • For service subcontracting, this field is defaulted from Service .
Transfer Type

The type of transfer supply order or schedule by means of which the materials are shipped from the manufacturer or service organization to the subcontractor.

Note: If the Responsible for Supply Planning check box is cleared, you need not generate transfer orders for the material supply lines in this session. In this case, the subcontractor is responsible for determining how to obtain the required materials and for generating the supply orders.

Default value

This field is defaulted from the Transfer Type field in the Order Terms and Conditions (tctrm1130m000) session. If no terms and conditions are defined, the default value is Warehouse Transfer.

Allowed values

Warehouse Transfer

A warehousing order is generated for which the Order Origin is set to Transfer in the Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000) session.

Sales Order Transfer

A sales order is generated for which the Delivery Type is set to Warehouse in the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session.

A Sales Order Transfer has the following advantages over a Warehouse Transfer:

  • You can generate and confirm orders by means of EDI.
  • You can carry out the sales order procedure, including the printing of documents.
  • You can use statistics.
Sales Schedule Transfer

A sales schedule is generated for which the Goods Flow is set to Warehouse Transfer Delivery in the Sales Schedules (tdsls3111m000) session.

Note: If the Peg Distribution check box is selected, the transfer type cannot be Sales Order Transfer or Sales Schedule Transfer.

Supply Order Line

The number of the supply order or schedule that is generated to supply the materials from the manufacturer or the manufacturer's supplier to the subcontractor.

To which session this number refers, depends on the Supply Type and Transfer Type fields.

  • Sales transfer order

    If the Supply Type is Warehouse and the Transfer Type is Sales Order Transfer, the supply order refers to the Sales Order (tdsls4100m900) session.
  • Sales transfer schedule

    If the Supply Type is Warehouse and the Transfer Type is Sales Schedule Transfer, the supply schedule refers to the Sales Schedules (tdsls3111m000) session.
  • Warehouse transfer

    If the Supply Type is Warehouse and the Transfer Type is Warehouse Transfer, the supply order refers to the Warehousing Order (whinh2100m100) session.
  • Purchase supply order

    If the Supply Type is Supplier and the Purchase Schedule in use check box is cleared for the material in the Items - Purchase (tdipu0101m000) session, the supply order refers to the Purchase Order (tdpur4100m900) session.
  • Purchase supply schedule

    If the Supply Type is Supplier and the Purchase Schedule in use check box is selected for the material in the Items - Purchase (tdipu0101m000) session, the supply schedule refers to the Purchase Schedules (tdpur3110m000) session.
  • This field is only applicable if the Supply System is Order Controlled/Single and the Responsible for Supply Planning check box is selected.
  • If the Project Pegged Inventory check box is selected, the material supply line's peg distribution must also be linked to the generated warehouse transfer order, purchase supply order, or purchase (push) supply schedule.
Supply Position Number

The number of the supply order/schedule line that is generated to supply the materials from the manufacturer to the subcontractor.

Note: This field is only applicable if the Supply System is Order Controlled/Single and the Responsible for Supply Planning check box is selected.
Backflush Consumption Quantity

The quantity that is consumed through backflushing, during the receipt of the subcontracted (end) items.

If material consumptions are updated through backflushing, the sum of the Backflush Consumption Quantity and Adjustment Consumption Quantity fields is displayed in the Consumed Quantity field.


This field is disabled if the following are applicable:

Expected Backflush Consumption Quantity

The quantity expected to be consumed through backflushing. This value depends on the total number of end items that are expected to be received.


This field is disabled if the following are applicable:

Adjustment Consumption Quantity

The quantity for overdelivery or underdelivery to manually adjust the consumed backflush quantity.

If material consumptions are updated through backflushing, the sum of the Backflush Consumption Quantity and Adjustment Consumption Quantity fields is displayed in the Consumed Quantity field.


This field is disabled if the following are applicable:

  • You use consumption messages
  • The type of subcontracting is operation subcontracting or service subcontracting
  • The purchase order line is not yet approved
  • Generation of a supply order is mandatory, but the supply order is not yet generated
  • The purchase order line is processed
Consumed Quantity

The quantity of the material consumed by the subcontractor, expressed in the inventory unit.

The consumed quantity is updated through consumption messages or backflushing.

Note: If material consumptions are updated through backflushing for item subcontracting, this field is the sum of the Backflush Consumption Quantity and Adjustment Consumption Quantity fields.

Consumed Lot

The number of the consumed lot.


If the Lot Selection field is Specific in the current session, the Lot and Consumed Lot fields must have the same value in the current session.

If the Lot Selection field is Same, the first lot for which a consumption is performed, is displayed in this field. Only this lot code is available in the Item Identification Set (tcibd4111m000) session.

Consumed Serial

The number of the consumed serial.

Note: If the Serial Number field is specified in the current session, the Consumed Serial cannot deviate from the Serial Number in the current session.


If this check box is selected, a specification is linked to the purchase order material supply line.

Sold-to Business Partner

The supply that fills this demand must have been allocated or hard pegged to the sold-to business partner displayed in this field.

LN uses this characteristic to find a matching supply for this demand.

Note: This field is defaulted from the Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000) session.

Ship-to Business Partner

The supply that fills this demand must have been allocated or hard pegged to the ship-to business partner displayed in this field.

LN uses this characteristic to find a matching supply for this demand.

Business Object Type

The supply that fills this demand must have been allocated or hard pegged to the type of order displayed in this field.

LN uses this characteristic to find a matching supply for this demand.


The following fields are always used in combination; together, they identify the relevant order or order line:

  • Business Object Type
  • Business Object
  • Business Object Reference
Note: This field is defaulted from the Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000) session.

Allowed values

Service (Manual)

Maintenance Sales Order

maintenance sales order

Maintenance Sales (Manual)

Maintenance Work Order

maintenance order

Maintenance Work Order (Manual)
Sales Order

sales order

Sales Schedule

sales schedule

Not Applicable

Sales (Manual)

Service Order

service order

Business Object

The supply that fills this demand must have been allocated or hard pegged to the order, or order line, displayed in this field.

LN uses this characteristic to find a matching supply for this demand.


The following fields are always used in combination; together, they identify the relevant order or order line:

  • Business Object Type
  • Business Object
  • Business Object Reference
Note: This field is defaulted from the Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000) session.


The supply that fills this demand must have been allocated or hard pegged to the reference code displayed in this field.

LN uses this characteristic to find a matching supply for this demand.

LN can use this field in two ways:

  • If the Sold-to Business Partner field is filled, LN uses the Reference field to record a reference code defined by a customer.
  • If the Sold-to Business Partner field is empty, LN uses the Reference field to record an internal reference.

You can use a reference code to keep a collection of parts linked together, even if they follow different routings, for example, if some of the parts are transported to a subcontractor to be returned later.

Note: This field is defaulted from the Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000) session.

Use Unallocated Inventory

If this check box is selected, unallocated inventory can be allocated and used to supply the demand order. First, allocated inventory is used, then unallocated inventory.

If this check box is cleared, only allocated inventory can be used.

Inventory on Hand

The inventory on hand that is allocated in the Warehouse, expressed in the purchase unit.

On Hand

The inventory on hand that is allocated in the Warehouse, expressed in the inventory unit.

Inventory Unit

inventory unit

Inventory on Order

The total quantity of supply orders that is hard pegged and will be received in the Warehouse, expressed in the purchase unit.

On Order

The total quantity of supply orders that is hard pegged and will be received in the Warehouse, expressed in the inventory unit.


The inventory on hand that is not allocated in the Warehouse, expressed in the purchase unit.

Unallocated Quantity

The inventory on hand that is not allocated in the Warehouse, expressed in the inventory unit.