Purchase Schedule Material Supply Lines (tdpur3118m100)

Use this session to view, specify, and maintain the material supply lines that are linked purchase schedule.

Field Information

The purchase schedule to which the Purchase Schedule Material Supply Line is linked.
Schedule Type

The type of the purchase schedule.

Allowed values

Pull Call-off

A list of time-phased specific requirements of purchased items, triggered from the Assembly Control module, or from Warehousing by means of Kanban, or Time-phased order point.

Pull Forecast

A list of time-phased planned production requirements, generated by Enterprise Planning , which are sent to the supplier. Pull forecast schedules are only used for forecasting purposes. To actually order the items, a pull call-off schedule must be generated.


A list of time-phased requirements, generated by a central planning system such as Enterprise Planning or Project , which are sent to the supplier. Push schedules contain both a forecast for the longer term and actual orders for the short term.

The purchase schedule line number linked to the purchase schedule.
Material Sequence
The sequence number of the material supply line.
Note: The default value of the first line is always one and the value is incremental for the subsequent line.
Warehouse Order Reference Sequence
A material supply sequence number, which is used as a unique reference for the inbound and outbound schedule lines in Warehouse Management. The material supply sequence number is unique for each purchase schedule line.
The code of the Item related to the material supply line.
Floor Stock
Indicates if the item is a floor stock item.
Effectivity Unit
The unit in which effectivity unit for material supply line is expressed.
Lot Selection
Specify the conditions for shipment of lot items.
Note: This check box is enabled only if the Lot Control in Usecheck box is selected in the Warehouse Master Data Parameters (whwmd0100s000) session.

Allowed values

The lot code of the material associated with the item.
Note: This check box is enabled only if:
  • The Lot Control in Usecheck box is selected in the Warehouse Master Data Parameters (whwmd0100s000) session.
  • The Lot Controlled check box is selected for the item in the Items (tcibd0501m000) session.
  • The Lot Selection field is set to Same or Any.
Serial Number
The serial number of the material associated with the item.
Note: This check box is enabled only if:
  • The Serialized Items in Usecheck box is selected in the Warehouse Master Data Parameters (whwmd0100s000) session.
  • The Serialized check box is selected for the item in the Items (tcibd0501m000) session.
Required Quantity
The quantity of the material that is required for the supply lines.
The code of the inventory unit in which the required quantity is expressed.
Planned Receipt Date
The date on which the materials are planned to be received for material supply line.
Peg Distribution
If this check box is selected, a peg distribution is linked to this Purchase Schedule Material Supply Line.
  • The check box is enabled only if the Project Pegging check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0500m000) session.
  • The value of this field is defaulted from the Peg Distribution field in the Purchase Schedule Lines (tdpur3111m000) session.
Project Pegged Inventory
If this check box is selected, project pegged inventory is used when issuing components to the subcontractor. Therefore, a peg distribution is created for the generated supply order and planned inventory transaction (PIT).

If this check box is cleared, the supply order and PIT are not pegged.

The check box is enabled only if:
  • The Project Pegging check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0500m000) session.
  • The value in the Consumption Quantity field is zero.
  • A receipt is yet to be registered for the schedule line.
  • The schedule line is not cancelled.
The value in this field is defaulted from these origins in the specific order:
  • This check box is cleared if the Peg Distribution check box is cleared.
  • This check box is selected, if the Inherit Project Peg check box is selected for the item.
Supply-to Site
The code of the site to which the materials are supplied.
Supply-to Warehouse
The code of the warehouse associated with the site.
Supply-to Address
The address of the ship-to business partner to whom the materials are supplied.
The name of the ship-to business partner.
Adjusted Supply Quantity
The additional quantity of the material that must be supplied. If this value is positive, more material must be supplied. If this value is negative, less material must be supplied.
Note: This field is enabled only if:
  • The Responsible for Supply Planning check box is selected.
  • The Supply System field is set to Order Controlled/Single.
Supply Quantity
The actual quantity of the material that must be supplied.
Note: When generating the supply order line, the Adjusted Supply Quantity must be used in addition to this value.
Responsible for Supply Planning
If this check box is selected, the components are supplied to the material supply lines using a supply order.
Supply System

The supply system applicable for the material supply line.

Allowed values

Time-Phased Order Point

Time-phased order point (TPOP)


Kanban is typically used for low-cost component items, and not used for External Kanban Controlled Items. See Kanban.

Order Controlled/Batch

Used if Manufacturing is implemented. See Order Controlled/Batch setup and order generation.

Order Controlled/SILS

Used if Manufacturing is implemented. See Order Controlled/SILS setup, assembly kits, and order generation.

Order Controlled/Single

Used for subassembly items if Manufacturing is implemented. See Order Controlled/Single setup and order generation.


Used for purchased configurable items.

Supply Type

The location from which the materials are supplied.

Allowed values

The materials are supplied from the warehouse.
The materials are supplied from a manufacturer's supplier (buy-from business partner).
Work Center
The materials are supplied from the work center.
Note: This field is enabled only if:
  • The Responsible for Supply Planning check box is selected.
  • The Supply System field is set to Order Controlled/Single.
Supply-from Site
Note: This field is enabled only if:
  • The Responsible for Supply Planning check box is selected.
  • The Supply System field is set to Order Controlled/Single.
  • The Supply Type field is set to Warehouse.
Supply-from Warehouse
Note: This field is enabled only if:
  • The Responsible for Supply Planning check box is selected.
  • The Supply System field is set to Order Controlled/Single.
  • The Supply Type field is set to Warehouse.
Transfer Type

The type of transfer supply order or schedule by means of which the materials are shipped from the manufacturer or service organization.

Allowed values

Warehouse Transfer

A warehousing order is generated for which the Order Origin is set to Transfer in the Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000) session.

Sales Order Transfer

A sales order is generated for which the Delivery Type is set to Warehouse in the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session.

A Sales Order Transfer has the following advantages over a Warehouse Transfer:

  • You can generate and confirm orders by means of EDI.
  • You can carry out the sales order procedure, including the printing of documents.
  • You can use statistics.
Sales Schedule Transfer

A sales schedule is generated for which the Goods Flow is set to Warehouse Transfer Delivery in the Sales Schedules (tdsls3111m000) session.

Buy-from Business Partner
Note: This field is enabled only if:
  • The Responsible for Supply Planning check box is selected.
  • The Supply System field is set to Order Controlled/Single.
  • The Supply Type field is set to Supplier.
The name of the buy-from business partner.
Ship-from Business Partner
Note: This field is enabled only if:
  • The Responsible for Supply Planning check box is selected.
  • The Supply System field is set to Order Controlled/Single.
  • The Supply Type field is set to Supplier.
The name of the ship-from business partner.
Supply Order Line
The sequence number of the supply order or schedule that is generated to supply the materials from the manufacturer or the manufacturer's supplier.
Supply Order Line
The position number of the supply order or schedule line.
Backflush Consumption Quantity
The quantity that is consumed through backflushing, during the receipt of the materials.

If material consumptions are updated through backflushing, the sum of the Backflush Consumption Quantity and Adjustment Consumption Quantity fields is displayed in the Consumed Quantity field.

Expected Backflush Consumption Quantity
The quantity expected to be consumed through backflushing. This value is based on the total number of end items that are expected to be received.
Adjustment Consumption Quantity
Note: This field is enabled only if the Responsible for Supply Planning check box is cleared.
Consumed Quantity
The quantity of the material consumed by the subcontractor, expressed in the inventory unit. The consumed quantity is updated through consumption messages or backflushing.
Note: If material consumptions are updated through backflushing for item subcontracting, this field is the sum of the Backflush Consumption Quantity and Adjustment Consumption Quantity fields.
Consumed Lot
The number of the consumed lot.
Consumed Serial
The number of the consumed serial.
Demand Peg
Sold-to Business Partner
If this check box is selected, a peg distribution is linked to this Purchase Schedule Material Supply Line.
Ship-to Business Partner

The ship-to business partner to which this supply object has been demand pegged.

LN can use the items supplied by the current schedule to fulfill a schedule for the ship-to business partner displayed in this field.

Business Object Type

The business object, such as opportunity, contract, and bid for which the activity is originally specified.

Allowed values

Service (Manual)

Maintenance Sales Order

maintenance sales order

Maintenance Sales (Manual)

Maintenance Work Order

maintenance order

Maintenance Work Order (Manual)
Sales Order

sales order

Sales Schedule

sales schedule

Not Applicable

Sales (Manual)

Service Order

service order

Business Object

The order, or order line, to which the items in this schedule have been demand pegged.


The following fields are always used in combination; together, they identify the relevant order or order line:

  • Business Object Type
  • Business Object
  • Business Object Reference

Business Object Reference
The reference to the business object.

The reference code to which this supply object has been demand pegged.

LN can only use the items supplied by the current schedule to fulfill a demand specified by the reference displayed in this field.

LN can use this field in two ways:

  • If the Sold-to Business Partner field is filled, LN uses the Reference field to record a reference code defined by a customer.
  • If the Sold-to Business Partner field is empty, LN uses the Reference field to record an internal reference.

You can use a reference code to keep a collection of parts linked together, even if they follow different routings, for example, if some of the parts are transported to a subcontractor to be returned later.

Use Unallocated Inventory

If this check box is selected, unallocated inventory can be allocated and used to supply the demand order. First, allocated inventory is used, then unallocated inventory.

If this check box is cleared, only allocated inventory can be used.

Inventory on Hand

The inventory on hand that is allocated in the warehouse, expressed in the purchase unit.

Inventory on Order

The total quantity of supply orders that is demand pegged and will be received in the warehouse, expressed in the purchase unit.


The inventory on hand that is not allocated in the Warehouse, expressed in the purchase unit.

Initial Hidden
Consumed Item Identification Set
The item identification set to which the consumed material is linked.