Price Book Change Request (tdpcg0611m100)

Use this session to view and maintain price book change requests.

Field Information

Original Price Book
Price Book
The code of the price book for which the change request is created.
  • This field is displayed only if the Change Request for Pricing Documents check box is selected in the Pricing Parameters (tdpcg0100m000) session.
  • This field is enabled only if the value in the Change Request field is set to Yes in the Price Book Change Request (tdpcg0611m100) session.
  • The application defaults the code of the price book for which the change request is created.
The revision number of the price book.
  • This field is displayed only if the Change Request for Pricing Documents check box is selected in the Pricing Parameters (tdpcg0100m000) session.
  • This value cannot be modified.

Indicates the type of price book.

Allowed values


If the price book contains sales prices and discounts, select this option.


If the price book contains purchase prices and discounts, select this option.

Change Request
Change Request
The code of the change request.
The revision number of the change request.

The status of the change request.

Allowed values

Not Applicable
Change Request Origin

The origin of the change request.

Allowed values

Not Applicable
Creation Date
The date on which the price book or change request is created.
  • This field is displayed only if the Change Request for Pricing Documents check box is selected in the Pricing Parameters (tdpcg0100m000) session.
  • By default, the date on which the price book or change request is created, is displayed.
  • This value cannot be modified.
Created by
The user who creates the price book change request.
  • This field is displayed only if the Change Request for Pricing Documents check box is selected in the Pricing Parameters (tdpcg0100m000) session.
  • By default, the login code of the user who created the price book or change request, is displayed.
  • This value cannot be modified.
Change Request Text
Indicates if text is present for the change request.
Note: This field is displayed only if the Change Request for Pricing Documents check box is selected in the Pricing Parameters (tdpcg0100m000) session.
The type of price book.
Indicates if the price book is active.
Responsible Employee
The employee ( buyer) assigned the required permission to access the price book. Based on this, an employee's authorization level for the price book can be specified.
Responsible Office
The purchase office of the employee assigned the required permission to access the price book. Based on this, the employee’s authorization level for the price book can be specified.
General Use
Indicates that the price book is for general usage.
Used for Contracts
Indicates that the price book can be allocated to a sales contract or a purchase contract and is usually linked to a contract price revision.
Used for RFQs
If this check box is selected, the price book can be allocated to a sales contract or a purchase contract and is usually linked to a contract price revision.
Workflow status
The status that is applicable when the Price Book requires approval using ION Workflow. When you initiate a change request, the request is submitted to a supervisor with the required authorization limit and a checked-out version is automatically created for the price book. The checked-out and the checked-in objects are displayed in the Checked-out Objects (ttocm9599m000) session.