Line Discounts (tdpcg0200m200)

Use this session to view or maintain discounts for sales and purchase transactions.

A line discount can be linked to:

  • A purchase contract price revision, which is always linked to a purchase contract line
  • A purchase order line
  • A request-for-quotation (RFQ) line
  • A sales contract line
  • A sales order line
  • A sales quotation line
  • An opportunity item line
  • Simulated prices, calculated in the Price Calculator (tdpcg0200m100) session
  • The number of discounts in this session, depends on the maximum number of discount levels specified in the Number of Discount Levels field of the Pricing Parameters (tdpcg0100m000) session.
  • If you zoom to this session from the Price Inquiry (tdpcg0250m000) session, this session is in display only mode.

The discounts can be of type Net or Gross. If the Method field is set to Net, the discounts must be applied to the current net amount. If the Method field is set to Gross, the discounts are applied to the gross amount.


  • Price = 100
  • Order quantity = 1
  • Number of discounts = 4
Discount Percentage Discount Amount Method
10 - Gross
- 10 Net
- -10 Net
20 - Net
The net purchase price is calculated as follows:
Discount 1: 100 - (100 * (10/100)) = 90
Discount 2: 90 - 10                = 80
Discount 3: 80 - (-10)             = 90
Discount 4: 90 - (90 * (20/100))   = 72

Net purchase/sales price = 72

Field Information


The number/level of the discount.

Note: The number of discounts in this session, depends on the maximum number of discount levels entered in the Number of Discount Levels field of the Pricing Parameters (tdpcg0100m000) session.

The discount percentage to be subtracted from the gross amount or net amount.

Note: You can enter either a discount percentage or a discount amount.

The discount amount to be subtracted from the gross amount.

Note: You can enter either a discount percentage or a discount amount.

The code used to identify the discount.


Select the discount method to calculate the discounts.

Allowed values


Discounts are calculated from the gross amount.


Discounts are calculated from the net amount.

Gross Amount

The line's total gross amount.

Note: If a new line is entered, the line's gross amount is recalculated.
Discount Amount

The line's total discount amount.

Note: If a new line is entered, the line's discount amount is recalculated.
Net Amount

A line's total net amount.

Note: If a new line is entered, the line's net amount is recalculated.

The currency in which the transaction amounts are expressed.

Matrix Type

matrix type


matrix definition

Matrix Sequence

matrix sequence