Items - Purchase Defaults by Site (tdipu0182m000)

Use this session to view, specify, and maintain the item purchase defaults for a combination of site, item type and item group.

  • This session is available only if you use multisite.
  • If item purchase defaults for a site are not specified in this session, the global item purchase data is used for defaulting.
  • If item purchase defaults are not available at the global level, you cannot specify the item purchase defaults at the site level.
  • If the Centrally Managed check box is selected in the Item Control and Defaults by Site (tcibd1552m000) session, it is centrally managed which item data by subentity is created for the site.

Field Information

Item Type

The item type to which the default values apply.

Allowed values

Subcontracted service
Engineering module
Rental Product
Item Group

The item group to which the default values apply.


The site to which the default values apply.

Buy-from Business Partner

buy-from business partner



Site Purchase Office

The purchase office that is linked to the site.

Purchase Currency

purchase currency

Purchase Price Unit

purchase price unit

Purchase Price Group

price groups

VAT Based on

Indicates if the VAT is based on Goods or Services.

  • This field is not applicable if no value is defined for the field in the Item – Purchase Defaults by Site (tdipu0182m000) session.
  • The value in this field is defaulted from the Item Purchase Defaults (tdipu0102m000) session, if field synchronisation is mandatory.

Allowed values


Scheme base is set to Service, when:

  • item is not involved, for example, project installments, landed cost, freight and so on, OR
  • the item is undergoing service, for example, service order, maintenance sales order and so on, OR
  • the sales order or purchase order is related to a service item

The scheme base is set to Goods for all sales and purchase transactions related to inventory items, such as, sale of goods using sales order, sales schedule, contract deliverables, part receipt and part delivery, purchase of goods.

Not Applicable
Source of Price for Operation Subcontracting
The method used to calculate the item's subcontracting purchase price or subcontracting standard cost.

Allowed values

Subcontracting Rate

The subcontracting price is calculated based on the Rate Base in the Subcontracting Rates (ticpr1160m000) details session.

The following calculation methods are used:

  • Unit
  • Operation Rate
  • Man Hour Rate
  • Machine Hour Rate

For more information, refer to Subcontracting rates.

Price Book / Contract

The subcontracting price is retrieved from:

For more information, refer to Subcontracting purchase prices.

Reference Activity

The subcontracting price is retrieved from Service .

Requisition Mandatory

If this check box is selected, and an operation must be subcontracted for a production order, before generating a subcontracting purchase order, first a subcontracting purchase requisition must be generated from Job Shop Control .

If this check box is cleared, Job Shop Control can generate a subcontracting purchase order for the operation. No purchase requisition is required.

Source of Price for Service Subcontracting

The method used to calculate the item's purchase price for service subcontracting.

Allowed values

Subcontracting Rate

The subcontracting price is calculated based on the Rate Base in the Subcontracting Rates (ticpr1160m000) details session.

The following calculation methods are used:

  • Unit
  • Operation Rate
  • Man Hour Rate
  • Machine Hour Rate

For more information, refer to Subcontracting rates.

Price Book / Contract

The subcontracting price is retrieved from:

For more information, refer to Subcontracting purchase prices.

Reference Activity

The subcontracting price is retrieved from Service .

Requisition Mandatory
If this check box is selected, and service subcontracting is applicable, before generating a subcontracting purchase order, first a subcontracting purchase requisition is generated from a work order activity or service order activity in Service . If this check box is cleared, Service can generate a subcontracting purchase order for the work order activity or service order activity. No purchase requisition is required.
Vendor Rating

If this check box is selected, the item is included when vendor rating is processed.

Deliver by Specified Suppliers Only

If this check box is selected, the buy-from business partner selected on the purchase document must be an approved supplier for the item. This means that the Item - Buy-from Business Partner status field must be set to Approved in the Items - Purchase Business Partner (tdipu0110m000) session.

Accessories Allowed

If this check box is selected, accessories are defined for this item.

Item Purchase Text

If this check box is selected, a text is present.

Multiple Manufacturer Item

If this check box is selected, you can maintain alternative manufacturers for an item - business partner combination. If this check box is cleared, you can define only one manufacturer for an item - business partner combination.

Alternative manufacturer items are mostly used by companies that buy components that have similar or the same specifications or quality, from various intermediate suppliers. If the ordered quantity is less than the minimum quantity that you can order from a manufacturer, you cannot directly buy from the manufacturer, but you must buy the components from an intermediate supplier. This supplier can obtain the components from several approved manufacturers.

Check for Valid Item-Manufacturer / Item-Manufacturer and BP

Use this field to select the type for checking the manufacturer's validity.

Note: This check box only applies if the Multiple Manufacturer Item check box is selected in the Item Purchase Defaults (tdipu0102m000) session.

Allowed values


The manufacturer's validity is checked in the Item - Manufacturer (tdipu0130m000) session.

Item-Manufacturer and Business Partner

The manufacturer's validity is checked in the Item - Manufacturer and Business Partner (tdipu0135m000) session.

MPN Item

If this check box is selected, manufacturer part numbers (MPNs) are (to be) linked to items that belong to the selected item group.

You can link MPNs to items in the Manufacturer Part Numbers (tdipu0145m000) session.

Purchase Unit

purchase unit

Supply Time

The total time required to obtain a purchase item. This time includes order document preparation, sourcing, and supplier lead time.

Unit for Supply Time

The unit in which the supply time of the item is expressed.



Purchase Schedule in use

If this check box is selected, orders for the item are issued according to a purchase schedule.

You can select this check box only for items of these types:

  • Purchased
  • Manufactured
  • Product

If you change this check box and you already defined the item data in the Items (tcibd0501m000) session or the Item Defaults (tcibd0102m000) session, you must redefine the order system in the item data.

Schedule Type

The type of purchase schedule.

Allowed values

Delivery Date Tolerance (-)

delivery date tolerance (-)

Note: Deliveries under this limit will be signaled/blocked.
Date Tolerance (+)

delivery date tolerance (+)

Note: Deliveries over this limit will be signaled/blocked.
Hard Stop on Date

The way in which LN must react to a receipt that does not meet the time tolerances.

Allowed values


You always can save the outbound advice, because LN ignores the set tolerances.


You can save the outbound advice, but you receive a warning if the tolerances are not met.


You cannot save the outbound advice if the tolerances are not met.

Quantity Tolerance (-)

The percentage that the received quantity may be less than the ordered quantity.

Quantity Tolerance (+)

The percentage that the received quantity may be more than the ordered quantity.

Hard Stop on Quantity

The way in which LN must react to a receipt that does not meet the quantity tolerances.

Allowed values


You always can save the outbound advice, because LN ignores the set tolerances.


You can save the outbound advice, but you receive a warning if the tolerances are not met.


You cannot save the outbound advice if the tolerances are not met.

Release to Warehousing

If this check box is selected, the receipt of items that belong to the selected item group is executed by default in Warehousing .

If this check box is cleared, the receipt of items that belong to the selected item group is executed by default in the Purchase Control module.

Note: This field is only used to determine whether the warehouse code at a purchase order line can be left empty.
Country of Origin
The code of the country in which the item is manufactured.
  • This field is displayed only if the Country of Origin check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
  • This field is enabled only if the Item Type field is set to Purchased, Manufactured, Product, or Tool in the Item (tcibd0501m100) session.
  • This value is defaulted from the Item Purchase Defaults (tdipu0602m000) session.

If this check box is selected, the item must be inspected on receipt.

If this check box is selected, the Inspection check box in the Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000) session is selected by default when a purchase order line is created for the item.

Conformance Reporting

The conformance reporting code linked to the item.

Note: You can specify a conformance reporting code only if the Inspection check box is selected in this session.

Tax Code

tax code

Invoice by Stage Payments

If this check box is selected, the item can be invoiced by stage payments.

Purchase Statistics Group

statistics group