Print List of Reserved Commissions/Rebates (tdcms2404m000), or Relations by Invoice (tdcms2404m000)

Use this session to

  • Print a list of the reserved commissions or rebates. LN starts the Print List of Reserved Commissions/Rebates (tdcms2404m000) session, if you select this option from the menu browser.
  • Print relations by Invoice. LN starts the Print List of Reserved Commissions/Rebates (tdcms2404m000) session if you click the printing button in the Relations by Invoice (tdcms2502m000) session.

Field Information

Also print Rebates released to SLI, but not yet Invoiced

If this check box is selected, LN also prints the rebates that are released to Invoicing , but that are not yet invoiced.

Note: This check box is only available in the Relations by Invoice (tdcms2404m000) session.

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