Exchange Rate Types (tcmcs0140m000)

Use this session to maintain exchange rate types.

Note: If you have started this session by zooming, you can only find and select a record.

Field Information

Exchange Rate Type

exchange-rate type

Use for Importing Rates through BODs/BDEs

Indicates whether the exchange-rate type is used when rates are imported.

Allowed values

  • Yes

    This exchange rate type is used for importing rates.
  • Derived

    The exchange rate type is derived from imported rates.
  • No

Default value


Calculate Inverse Rate

If this check box is selected, LN also calculates inverse rates.

Used for Tax Reporting

If this check box is selected, the specific exchange-rate type can be used to maintain currency rates for a tax reporting currency. However, this rate type cannot be used to maintain the exchange rates for conversion from a home currency to other currencies. If this check box is cleared, the specific exchange-rate type can be used to maintain currency rates for specific home currency. However, this rate type cannot be used to maintain exchange rates for conversion from tax currency to other currencies.

  • This field is displayed only if Registration by Tax Country is set to Active or In Preparation in the Global Registration Parameters (tctax2100m000) session.
  • This field is applicable only if Use for Importing Rates through BODs/BDEs is set to No.
  • You can clear this check box only when currency rates are not defined for the exchange rate type and Exchange rate type for tax reporting is not specified in the Tax Parameters by Country (tctax0101m000) session.
  • This check box can be selected only when currency rates are not defined for the exchange rate type for conversion from a home currency to other currencies.
Automatically Approve

If this check box is selected, LN automatically approves calculated inverse rates.

Note: This check box is only available if Calculate Inverse Rate is selected.