Inventory Tracking Correction Orders (tcitu4100m000)
Use this session to view and maintain the inventory tracking correction order
associated with the inventory tracking unit. You can also create the inventory tracking
corrections using these sessions:
- Inventory Tracking Units (tcitu1100m000)
- Inventory Tracking Receipts (tcitu2110m000)
Note: This session can be accessed only if the Inventory Tracking check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
Field Information
- Order
- The unique identification number of the inventory tracking correction order.
- Status
The status of the inventory tracking correction order.
Allowed values
- Open
- Ready for Processing
- Processed
- Status
Indicates the status of the country of origin.
Allowed values
- To be Specified
- The country of origin is to be specified.
- Specified
- The country of origin has been specified
- Not Applicable
- Concept data not used.
- Unique Identifier
- The unique identifier code of the inventory tracking unit receipt.
- Receipt
- The inventory tracking receipt from which the correction order must be created.
- Status
The status of the inventory tracking receipt.
Allowed values
- To be Received
- The initial status of the inventory tracking receipt.
- Received
- The Warehousing receipt from which the inventory tracking receipt was created has been confirmed.
- Inventory Tracking Unit
- The code of the inventory tracking unit from which the correction order must be created.
- From Tracking Unit Receipt Unique Identifier
- The unique identification code of the inventory tracking unit receipt.
- From Inventory Tracking Unit Unique Identifier
- The unique identification code of the inventory tracking unit (ITU).
- Status
The status of the inventory tracking unit.
Allowed values
- Created
- Open
- To be received
- Received
- Consumed
- Closed
- Received Quantity
- The quantity of the inventory received for the inventory tracking unit.
- Unit
- The inventory unit in which the received quantity is expressed.
- Unconsumed Quantity
- The quantity of the inventory for the inventory tracking unit that is unused.
- Corrected Quantity
- The quantity of the inventory for the inventory tracking unit that must be corrected.
- To Tracking Unit Receipt
- The inventory tracking receipt up to which the correction order must be created.
- To Tracking Unit Receipt Unique Identifier
- The code of the to inventory tracking unit receipt unique identifier is applied.
- Inventory Tracking Unit
- The code of the inventory tracking unit .
- To Inventory Tracking Unit Unique Identifier
- The unique identification code of the inventory tracking unit (ITU).
- Consumption
- The unique identification number of the inventory tracking consumption.
- Inventory Tracking Consumption Unique Identifier
- The unique identification code of the inventory tracking correction order.
- Logistic Company
- The code of the logistic company associated with the business object to which inventory tracking correction order is linked.
- The name of the company.
- Item
- The code of the item associated with inventory tracking correction order.
- Attribute Set
- The code of the attribute set associated with the item.
- Effectivity Unit
- The code of the effectivity unit of the item.
- Serialized in Inventory
- Indicates whether the item is serialized in inventory.
- Lot Controlled in Inventory
- Indicates whether the item is lot controlled in inventory.
- To Country of Origin
- If this check box is selected, the country of origin is applicable for the item associated with the inventory tracking unit.
- From Country of Origin
- The code of the country from where the goods are shipped.
- To Country of Origin
- The code of the country where the goods must be shipped.
- Creation Date
- The date and time when the inventory tracking correction order is created.
- Created By
- The logon code of the user who created the inventory tracking correction order.
- Processing Date
- The date and time when the inventory tracking correction order is processed.
- Processed By
- The logon code of the user who processed the inventory tracking correction order.
- Text
- The additional information related to the inventory tracking correction order.