Inventory Tracking Unit (tcitu1600m000)

Use this session to view the details of an Inventory Tracking Unit. The inventory tracking units (ITU) includes the inventory in a specific location on which inventory is received and consumed. The receipts are associate with one or more inventory tracking units. The issues are associated with consumptions based on data identified in inventory tracking units (and inventory tracking unit – stock point details).

Note: This session can be accessed only if the Inventory Tracking check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.

Field Information

Inventory Tracking Unit
The code of the inventory tracking unit.

The status of the inventory tracking unit.

Allowed values

To be received
The code of the item associated with inventory tracking unit.
Note: The value in this field is applicable only if the Item Type is Product, Rental Product or Tool.
Attribute Set
The code of terms and conditions attribute sets associated with the item.
Note: This field is displayed only if:
  • The Dimension Controlled check box is selected for the item in the Item (tcibd0501m100) session.
  • The Product Dimension is defined for the user profile in the User Profiles and Authorizations Template (tcmcs2160m000) session.
Effectivity Unit
The code of the effectivity unit of the item.
Serialized in Inventory
Indicates whether the item is serialized in inventory.
Note: If this check box is selected, Infor LN allows you to access the multiple serialized items that are received from an inventory tracking receipt.
Lot Controlled in Inventory
Indicates whether the item is lot controlled.
Note: If this check box is selected, Infor LN allows you to access the multiple lot controlled items that are received from an inventory tracking receipt.
Available Quantity
The available quantity of the ITU expressed in the inventory unit.
Customs Unit of Measure
The unit of measure applicable for the item as specified by the Customs Department.
To be Received
The quantity of the ITU to be received, expressed in inventory unit.
Received Quantity
The quantity of the ITU that is received, expressed in inventory unit.
To be Consumed
The quantity of ITU to be consumed in inventory unit.
Consumed Quantity
The quantity of ITU to be issued, expressed in inventory unit.
The code of the warehouse associated with the inventory tracking unit.
The code of the site associated with the warehouse linked to the inventory tracking unit.
  • The value in this field is applicable only if the Location Level is set to Site or Warehouse.
  • This field is displayed only if the Sites field is set to Active in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
The value of the inventory tracking level applicable for the location of the country.
Country of Origin
Country of Origin
If this check box is selected, the country of origin functionality is applicable for the ITU.
Note: This field is displayed only if the Country of Origin check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
The code of the country in which the item is manufactured.
Note: This value is updated when a receipt is generated and the inventory tracking unit is created.
Physical Traceability Required
If this check box is selected, the physical traceability is required for the specified concept (Country of Origin and so on) data. This value is determined by verifying the physical visibility of the product.
Note: This value is defaulted from the Physical Traceability Required check box in the Inventory Tracking Parameters (tcitu0100m000) session.
Matching Attributes
Receipt Line
The code of the company associated with the business object to which the receipt line is linked.
The unique identification of the receipt associated with the inventory tracking unit.
Receipt Line Number
The position number of the warehousing receipt line associated with the inventory tracking unit.
Tracking by Receipt
Order Line
The code of the company in which the order line is associated with the ITU is created.
Order Line

The type of the order line associated with the ITU.

Allowed values

Purchase BOM Line
Purchase Schedule
Purchase Manual
Sales BOM Line
Sales Component Line
Sales Schedule
Sales Manual
Service (Manual)
Maintenance Sales
Maintenance Sales (Manual)
Maintenance Work
Maintenance Work (Manual)
Customer Claim
Supplier Claim
JSC Production
JSC Production (Manual)
Production Schedule
ASC Production
ASC Production (Manual)
Production Kanban
Warehousing Assembly
Transfer (Manual)
Project (Manual)
Project Contract
EP Distribution
Purchase Receipt Line
Sales Delivery
Cycle Counting Order Line
Adjustment Order Line
Outbound Advice
Shipment Line
Receipt Line
Inbound Advice (from Receipt)
Warehouse Inspection
Inbound Advice (from Inspection)
Quarantine Inventory
Not Applicable
The unique identification number of the order associated with the inventory tracking unit.
The position number of the order line.
The sequence number of the order line.
Sold-to Business Partner
The code of the sold-to business partner associated with the ITU.
Note: The value in this field is applicable only for the direct deliveries.
The name of the business partner associated with the ITU.
Ship-to Business Partner
The ship-to business partner associated with the inventory tracking unit.
Note: The value in this field is applicable only for the direct deliveries.
Enterprise Unit
The code of the enterprise unit associated with the warehouse.
  • This field is displayed only if the Ownership Level field is set to Enterprise Unit in the Inventory Tracking Parameters (tcitu0100m000).
  • This value is defaulted with the enterprise unit of the Warehouse.
Financial Company
The code of the financial company associated with the Enterprise Unit.
Note: This field is displayed only if the Ownership Level field is set to Financial Company in the Inventory Tracking Parameters (tcitu0100m000) session.
Registration Number
The tax registration number linked to the registration code or financial company of the ITU.
Planned Receipt Date
The date on which the items are expected to be received.
Actual Receipt Date
The date on which the items are received.
Final Receipt
Indicates that this is the final receipt which is reviewed on the receipt line and no additional receipts are generated.
Note: The expected quantity received is equal to the actual amount received.
Ordered Quantity
The ordered quantity, expressed in the order unit.
Type of Receipt

The types of the receipt associated with the inventory tracking unit.

Allowed values

Initial Receipt
Subsequent Receipt
Not Applicable
Initial Company
The code of the logistic company associated with the initial inventory tracking unit.
Initial Inventory Tracking Unit
The inventory tracking unit using which the legal entity is assigned as the owner of the goods in the country where the goods are located.
Note: This value is mandatory if:
  • The ITU Status is set to Received.
  • Type of Receipt field is set to Subsequent Receipt.
Previous Company
The code of the logistic company associated with the previous inventory tracking unit from where the goods are issued.
Note: This value is mandatory if:
  • The ITU Status is set to Received.
  • Type of Receipt field is set to Subsequent Receipt.
Previous Inventory Tracking Unit
The code of the previous inventory tracking unit.
Note: This value is mandatory if:
  • The ITU Status is set to Received.
  • Type of Receipt field is set to Subsequent Receipt.
The code of the country in which the tax and registration data is applicable for the ITU.
Creation Date
The date and time when the ITU is created.
Closure Date
The date and time when the ITU is closed.