Domestic Purchase Letter of Credit (tcgtc0650m700)

Use this session to view, maintain, and process domestic purchase letters of credit (L/C).

The tab in the lines section of this session refers to the Domestic Inbound Letter of Credit (tcgtc0650m300) session.

Note: When you access this session, the count for each filter is displayed as 0. You must use the Refresh Total option to view the updated counts.

The fields in the General group box constitute the main filter settings. You can narrow down the resulting selection using the filter settings in the Status and Expiry Date group boxes.

Field Information


The buyer, also called customer.

Company Set

financial company set



Letters of Credit

The total number of import letters of credit (L/C) for the selected Applicant, Company Set, or Company.

This number includes closed and cancelled domestic purchase letters of credit.

If no company set, applicant, or company is selected, this number includes the domestic purchase letters of credit present for the current company.


If a check mark is displayed, letters of credit (L/C) with status Preliminary are displayed on the Letters of Credit tab.


The number of lines for the filter. This number can be affected by other filter settings.


If a check mark is displayed, letters of credit (L/C) with status Definitive are displayed on the Letters of Credit tab.


If a check mark is displayed, letters of credit (L/C) with status Received are displayed on the Letters of Credit tab.


If a check mark is displayed, letters of credit (L/C) with status Requested are displayed on the Letters of Credit tab.


If a check mark is displayed, letters of credit (L/C) with status Issued are displayed on the Letters of Credit tab.


If a check mark is displayed, letters of credit (L/C) with status Paid are displayed on the Letters of Credit tab.

Past Expiry

If a check mark is displayed, expired letters of credit (L/C) are displayed on the Letters of Credit tab.

Expiry Today

If a check mark is displayed, letters of credit (L/C) that expire on the current date are displayed on the Letters of Credit tab.

Expiry 1-7 Days

If a check mark is displayed, letters of credit (L/C) that expire within the next seven days are displayed on the Letters of Credit tab.

Expiry Beyond 7 Days

If a check mark is displayed, letters of credit (L/C) that expire after the next seven days are displayed on the Letters of Credit tab.